One of my favorite jokes goes something like this.
What happens when you play a country music song backwards?
Your wife moves back in, your dog is revived, you get a new truck..
I had a very interesting conversation last night with Bill French, one of the brightest minds in the world of Blogging. We discussed what happens when someone turns off a blog that they have had for a year or two with weekly posting.
His answer was shocking
One customer who recently truned off thier blog and replaced it with nothing removed 93% of the content from thier website.
Aside from 93% being a very large number, think of it in terms of click-throughs. Monthly traffic from click-throughs was more than 20,000. Not only are 20,000 people a month not getting the valuable inforamtion they need, the company lost about $20,000 in value (google price per click at $1 on average).
Blog Laws
If you start blogging, don’t stop until you measure the impact first.
If you switch blog companies, make sure you copy the xml file of your blog.