Company: LandNet Corporation
Industry: Real Estate, Internet/Web Mapping/Web Services
Location: Loveland, Colorado, United States of America
LandNet Corp., a provider of Internet mapping solutions, has been issued its third patent for online mapping functionality. On April 8, 2008, the U.S. Patent Office awarded patent 7,356,406 containing an additional 73 claims to the “Land Software Tool” patent 7,054,741 that was filed in 2002 and issued in 2006. Provisional patents date back seven years to 2001. The land software tools are used in conjunction with the Property Archive website technology covered under patent 7,171,389 issued in January 2007. Four other patents relating to online mapping are pending.
LandNet Corp. is the developer of LandVoyage (, a turnkey online mapping and real estate archiving business launched in 2000. The company’s patented technology includes the Land Software Tools, which cover numerous online map drawing, editing and measuring capabilities, and the Property Archive Tool (, which relates to the identification, storage and display of land data on a website.
“Real estate applications have emerged among the top commercial uses of Internet mapping sites, and LandVoyage brings location intelligence to online property mapping,” said LandNet CEO Craig Harrison. “LandVoyage has perfected the concept of creating a property-specific website to serve as the permanent digital archive of all information relating to a single real estate parcel – with just a few clicks of the mouse.”
Harrison, who has used the technology to close more than $600 million in real estate deals, added that with the three patents awarded and more than 50 million maps served online, Property Archives with the LandVoyage software tools are now ready for nation-wide deployment to serve any and all sectors in the real estate industry. LandNet Corp. is seeking joint venture partners to expand the operations of LandVoyage in the commercial market.
Online Location Intelligence
The combination of Property Archive and LandVoyage Software Tools converts static online maps into dynamic websites, enabling user interaction for the extraction and exploitation of site-specific location intelligence.
The 73 claims protected in the latest Land Software Tools patent can be summarized in three key functions.
Online Drawing and Editing – Users can draw boundaries onscreen over maps, aerial photos, and satellite images, and then toggle among images as desired without having to redraw the boundaries. The tools also allow users to delineate and measure land parcels using a variety of reference points, such as latitude/longitude coordinates or information from the Public Land Survey System (PLSS). Editing functions allow the user to edit the boundary shape while zooming, panning and changing image layers.
Message Center – Also known as MouseSmartzTM, the Message Center is a separate onscreen window that contains location intelligence relating to the position of the cursor on any map or image layer. This intelligence includes the latitude/longitude coordinates of the cursor point, acquisition date of the image/map, surface area of bounded region, or linear distance between multiple points. In addition, the MouseSmartz retrieves and displays map descriptions (names of places, geographic features, man-made objects), location descriptions (ZIP codes, township/range/section, coordinates), and land data (electronic documents linked to a specific land parcel).
E-Documents On Demand – LandVoyage allows the user to click on a property parcel to access available electronic documents pertaining to it. The documents may include real estate contracts, deeds, appraisals, property descriptions, inspection reports, photos, and government files. These documents may be made publicly available or password protected for limited access.
“The integration of these patented online mapping tools with our Property Archive technology turns ordinary digital maps and aerial images into dynamic websites to serve the entire real estate life cycle or pass from one property owner to the next,” said Harrison. “This technology organizes disparate geographic data from multiple sources into coherent location intelligence relating to individual properties for access by numerous parties engaged in a transaction.”
In January 2007, LandNet received a patent for the Property Archive, which was developed as an extension to the LandVoyage mapping solution to simplify real estate transactions and management by archiving critical data relating to individual pieces of property. Property Archive uses the LandVoyage mapping solution to enable individuals with no online technical expertise to create a site-specific website in minutes to serve as the central archive for all maps, real estate documents, photographs and transaction information for any property in the United States. The tool offers both automated and customizable functionality in building websites.
“Parcel-level databases currently exist for counties covering one third of the United States,” said Harrison. “The advantage of the Property Archive is that the remaining two-thirds of the country can easily be mapped into single-property websites in a matter of minutes creating a turnkey solution for the entire USA.”
A LandVoyage user can quickly and easily create an information archive for any property in the U.S. by simply locating the parcel on a map, drawing a boundary around it, and then creating a unique website for it with a click of a mouse. Automation techniques allow the user to simply click on a parcel-level database and launch a website in seconds. The Property Archive platform saves time for all parties involved in real estate transactions by offering 24/7 access to the information online. Important real estate and transactional information is stored in one central location with capabilities for shared access. Users can view, print, and share property information with the document retrieval and delivery system without having to leave their computers.
This aspect of the Property Archive platform makes it particularly valuable to real estate, oil and gas, timber and engineering users, and can be shared with brokers, title companies, mortgage brokers, and natural resource developers. Other potential users include real estate owners and investors, banks and other lenders, and potential equity investors, such as large insurance companies and REIT’s.
About LandNet Corporation
LandNet Corporation, located in Loveland, Colorado, is a leading provider of Internet mapping solutions. In “LandVoyage,” the company has developed an unparalleled mapping system with aerial photos, USGS topographic maps, satellite images, aeronautical charts, and more of any location in the United States. offers an online subscription service that includes access to the entire mapping library, as well as patented drawing/measuring tools and advanced search methods. LandVoyage can leverage its unsurpassed expertise to offer superior custom consulting and enterprise solutions, as well. LandVoyage and the Property Archive were developed by LandNet Corporation beginning in 1999 and have served more than five million users over the Internet to date.
Craig Harrison (
Phone: 1-970-612-4100