ARMLS is the Arizona Regional Multiple Listing Service. Centered in the Phoenix metropolitan area, they are the largest MLS in the State of Arizona. They are among the largest MLSs in the United States and leverage MLS data resources in unique ways to deliver value to their subscribers.
I recently became aware of RENT Check™. Rent Check is a monthly report that examines the residential single family leasing market. RENT Check also features the RENT Check Quotient™ (RCQ) which compares leasing activity to sales. As a result of our nation’s recession, housing resales have given way to a hot residential real estate leasing market. This month, ARMLS added a heat map to show how hot it is, and where leasing is the hottest.
This example by ARMLS is a great way for any MLS service provider to extend information and support to subscribers to help them understand the real estate market and sell more real estate.
RENT Check™ is a product extension to their many other celebrated statistical programs that include STAT Library, and the Distressed Property Report.
View RENT Check™ Here