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A great example of a benchmark is WAV Group’s report that 4 in 10 real estate professionals have not done a transaction in more than a year. Take a look at this study that surveyed data from MLSs across the nation.
WAV Group recently compiled a CRM case study with two of America’s leading brokerages that are highly committed sales driven organizations. As dedicated sales driven organizations, the agent sales funnel and the agent presentation tools are regarded as the most important assets deployed by the firm. In both cases, Windermere and Long and Foster revealed the success found through changing client relationship management software providers.
WAV Group invites you to download a complimentary copy of this whitepaper. In the case of Long and Foster, the company switched listing presentation/CMA providers. In doing so, they were able to level set the buyer and seller presentations across the entire salesforce. They gained design and information control. They also supported agents by delivering a solution that works on all devices – mobile and desktop. Today the company reports higher much higher utilization of broker supplied presentation tool and higher conversion rates.
In the case of Windermere, they took on the goal of rolling out a CRM solution to all agents in their company and franchise. A unique feature of the CRM is that it is centered around a sales funnel and coaching by the office manager. They solved problematic adoption challenges by integrating with the company’s MS Exchange email, calendar, and contact solutions. As you will see, the sales impact in market share has been significant and led by greater sales penetration in the middle 60% of the agents.
We hope that you will enjoy this study with our compliments. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us. If you are exploring a new strategy within your company that you would like us to look at for a case study, please let us know. By sharing information across the industry, we will keep the broker and agent as the centerpiece of real estate trades in America.
See the whitepaper here WAV Group Brokerage CRM