One of the main recruiting limitations of small firms has always been the challenge of matching the exotic, and widely variable commission plans that agents receive at other firms. There is nothing more complicated in any industry than the commission plans for real estate agents. Agents get paid a percentage up to ‘some’ level, and another percentage after some ‘other’ volume amount with a cap at some ‘other’ volume; then if they close this number of transactions, then they get some other bonus, or whatever. Small firms with a single office and a reasonably small number of agents can’t afford complicated commission management solutions, general ledger software, or their commission management people to operate the software.

LanTrax, the makers of ProfitPower®, have developed a low-cost commission management solution that can handle any commission plan. It has a real integration with Quickbooks, and is easy to use. They even have a remote commission management team that will process commission calculations for you, if you need that. Follow this link to download the whitepaper that outlines their new product. If you are looking for a solution to replace your existing commission management process – take a look.