Ylopo has been supporting top agents and teams who invest big budgets on digital advertising; they support about 3000 clients. Obviously, the key to driving online leads is lead conversion.* These innovations are so important that everyone who invests in lead generation must take a look.

The key to success with advertising online for clients using Ylopo is lead conversion. Some Ylopo clients have ad spends and it can be over $250,000 per month. If you are investing that much in advertising, you better have a great CRM to convert leads. 

woman coachingBut CRM can only take you so far. The truth is that humans convert leads. And to have a high rate of conversion, those humans need to be managed and trained. This is a key area where CRMs fail. Improving human performance became a key focus of Ylopo.

Obviously for Ylopo, the higher percentage of leads that convert, the more likely real estate industry professionals are to use their service. If Ylopo finds a great lead (but nobody contacts that lead or follows up), then the cost of generating the lead is burned money. The human is the problem.

To solve the human problem of converting sales leads, Ylopo developed two tools: MaverickRE and Sales Coach. Interestingly enough, they combine machine learning and generative artificial intelligence to measure human performance and improve it. MaverickRE allows the team leader – or the broker – to see their lead performance and manage it. It is very feature rich, but the top line is that it scores leads, listens to agent calls with consumers, grades the agent, uses a digital assistant to follow up with the consumer by text messages and voice calls, hot connects consumers to an agent when appropriate, tracks agent lead conversions, and so much more. Basically, MaverickRE is a machine driven sales manager. (They should rename it to “sales manager” to align with the product name Sales Coach).

MaverickRE can tell you who your best agents are, and do a lot of the work that agents fail to do (machines follow up with calls and text messages) over the 360 day lead nurturing timeline. Yes, it takes over a year to convert the average lead. This has not changed.

So how do you fix agents to have better calls with consumers to convert leads? You coach them!

The newest product by Ylopo is Sales Coach. This is an AI driven product where a digital person talks to the agent and has typical calls that agents have with leads. Ylopo built this intelligence using thousands of recorded calls between agents and consumers to train the AI. The results are outstanding. Agents double the effectiveness of their call scores in FIVE calls! In effect, this doubles the lead generation conversion rates when agents practice client phone calls by interacting with the sales coach. You can purchase a sales coach without purchasing advertising or MaverickRE. I think that this is a great product for enterprise brokers or even MLSs to offer to agents. 


In the above video, I connected with Juefeng Ge at Ylopo on a recorded Zoom for a quick overview. It’s a 30 min overview for both products – but if you speed up the playback, you can easily watch in 15 minutes. Be sure to slow down during the AI parts – you will be amazed at how good this AI is.

Click here for more information.

*Most Ylopo advertising clients use Follow Up Boss for CRM. Follow Up Boss was acquired by Zillow for $400 million in cash and $100 million earn-out – so $500 million. Follow Up Boss was/is super popular in this cohort of top agents, teams, or brokers who spend a bunch on advertising.