powers computer vision tech for MLSs, reaching over 750,000 real estate agents and brokers nationwide. They’ve been around longer than just about any AI firm in our space and excel at what they do because of the rule of AI: experience wins.

If you have access to automated listings that scan images first to create a listing without inputting anything, or if your property photos are scanned during uploading for potential compliance violations, or if your MLS offers a consumer search experience that uses natural language (“find homes with island kitchens and Wolf stoves”), that’s most likely powering it.

They are the Nvidia inside MLSs.

Unlocking locked data

Now, is leveraging its tech for next-level AI use: unlocking real estate data and trends using its market-leading computer vision capabilities.

Launching a “Special Report” series, first looked at floor plans – see the results of that study here.

But its latest Special Report on Kitchens is immense in scope, incredible in what it reveals, and arguably before computer vision, they achieved a nearly impossible feat.AI study using computer vision for kitchen design analyzed more than 250 million property photos from 2019 to 2024 to decipher kitchen features and trends over six years. They were able to identify kitchen design types – island or peninsula – cabinet colors, and cabinet designs.

They also were able to segment the kitchen data they collected geographically, looking at five major and diverse metro areas because, after all, real estate is local.

Analyzing this many photos manually would have taken at least 2 million people hours!

A team of 10 people working 40 hours a week would have to labor for 96 years to capture the data for this study.

AI-powered computer vision can analyze the images and interpret the data for trends in less than a month, reducing human labor by over 99.9% making such a large-scale study feasible in days rather than decades.

That doesn’t even account for data interpretation, where AI was also used to uncover trends

Discovering more about the “heart of the home”

Kitchen and kitchen trends are fascinating to real estate agents and brokers because they know from experience that kitchens help sell homes. It’s one of the top – if often not the top – considerations for buyers shopping for a home.

This new kitchen study shows not only national trends but also local trends in Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, and Miami. The data is absolutely fascinating, and the differing trends geographically are remarkably intriguing.

Why is Atlanta the white kitchen king? Its 58% adoption rate is more than double the advantage over medium brown cabinets. Conversely, white kitchens in Chicago barely edge out their medium brown counterparts: 41% to 39%.

Why are shaker cabinets widely popular in Denver at 64% but hold a slim 35% to 33% advantage over raised cabinets in Miami?

A new view of the possible

For AI and data junkies like me, this study is more about changing the possible than just about what was able to uncover about kitchen design trends.

Hopefully, the true impact of this study is illustrating what now can be done with AI and computer vision that before wasn’t consider because of the scope and the price tag.

Disney gave us the phrase, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” AI is starting to deliver on that idea in amazing new ways, and I can’t wait to see what our industry comes up with to help empower real estate agents, brokers, buyers, and sellers with new insights that we could never have imagined.

Editor’s note: If you are interested in AI in real estate, subscribe to our free weekly newsletter – REAL AI – here.