My Florida Homes MLS CarIn much of the research we conduct on behalf of MLSs we see a disturbing, but consistent trend. Many agents are not aware of their MLS or the services they provide for them. When asked who owns the MLS, we often hear “some third party company”, “my association” or in many cases “I don’t know”.  Many agents have more brand recognition of their MLS system itself,  than they do of the MLS organization.

Here’s a few tips to think about how to dial up your brand recognition with both agents and consumers.

MRIS, the largest MLS in the country located in the Mid-Atlantic took their “show on the road”.  Many of their department heads on the road to meetings with agents at each of their shareholder associations, sharing news about their product offerings and offering advice about how to get the most out of their MLS system and other tools.

MyFloridaRegionalMLS has leveraged their fleet of autos used by their trainers to build brand awareness with consumers and agents around their region. They have leveraged the inevitable travel their trainers engage in by enveloping each of their cars with the MFRMLS residential and commercial brands.  They are experiencing increased traffic on their consumer-facing website because of this innovative initiative.  Why not let every physical asset you own work to build your brand?



The Houston Association has a huge billboard on the outside of their building facing the busiest highway in Houston to help build their brand awareness.

What are some creative ways you can leverage your building, and other physical presence to build your brand?  If you have engaged in some fun ideas like the ones listed here, please share them with us so everyone can benefit from your smart thinking!