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web3 Services

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There are few times in our lives that we can be part of something so significant it changes humanity forever.

Do you remember the first time you heard about the internet? Weren’t you a little scared, overwhelmed, excited, and fascinated all at the same time?  Web3 is one of those times.

We’ll look back on the launch of web3 much like the birth of the internet or the industrial revolution.

This isn’t just another technology or an evolution of the internet. It’s a whole new way of life, bringing a scope of technology and changing social norms together to create a new asset class that has virtually unlimited potential. The pioneers of this movement are creating massive online communities and reinventing business operations in the metaverse

WAV Group’s web3 division, led by Nelson Diaz, web3 pioneer and NFT brand strategist is going to help real estate organizations become a profitable contributor to the digital real estate market.


If your organization is just starting to ask “what is an NFT?” then you need to book Nelson Diaz or the WAV Group to speak at your next event or board meeting.  We can help you and your leadership team build the basic framework for web3 strategy at your company and learn how the world of digital real estate works.


For the real estate industry web3 represents a brand new way to capture market share and generate on-going revenues. First movers are creating selling digital land, properties and rentals and streamlining transactions on the blockchain. Fueled by $35 trillion in cryptocurrency wealth, the growth of opportunities is staggering.

WAV Group will deliver a web3 strategy and real estate team to help you figure out a path to web3 success.


Once your organization has identified a web3 opportunity you would like to pursue WAV Group can bring a team of seasoned technology and security leaders to make your dream a reality. WAV Group can help make your launch a success with community building, marketing, public relations and financial management and forecasting.  

Recent Insights


WAV Group’s Nelson Diaz Collaborates with LA Kings on NFT Drop

May 13th, 2022|

Last week, The Los Angeles Kings hockey team launched their first ever NFT, in collaboration with, the Kings’ official cryptocurrency platform partner. WAV Group is very excited to have Nelson Diaz on our team shepherding real estate toward Web3. Diaz consulted on the strategy and his partnership with Project Midas produced the art.

  • child of the future

The Children Are the Future

January 12th, 2022|

We are in a unique period of time in business. WAV Group has been spending a lot of time in Web3 and it is a steep learning curve. What is clear to me when meeting with senior executives in marketing and communications projects for NFT drops, is that most seasoned execs are clueless about this new genre of marketing.

  • Man standing on futuristic platform

Explaining WAV Group and Web3

January 10th, 2022|

Very little is happening in the Web3 space in the real estate industry today, but brands and companies outside of our industry are investing and learning. WAV Group believes that our clients need to learn this space. The biggest trend in NFTs right now is collaborations. We are looking for opportunities for our real estate brand clients to collaborate.

  • Digital Art

NFT Art Trade For Home In Real Life

January 6th, 2022|

WAV Group has been entrenched in researching the NFT eco-system and has already initiated its first NFT project set to launch in Q1 2022. NFTs are tokens that allow you to own digital assets. In this example I am going to be talking about digital art NFTs that are owned on the blockchain. One of the most famous of all NFT projects is arguably Bored Ape Yacht Club