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26 08, 2024

Can’t Miss Webinar: Why are some of the best Association Execs in the business getting fired?

By |2024-08-26T05:39:51-07:00August 26th, 2024|Associations, Industry Observations, MLS, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Can’t Miss Webinar: Why are some of the best Association Execs in the business getting fired?

After receiving about my 15th call is as many weeks from a distraught Association Executive telling me they just been fired, mostly for irrational and indefensible reasons, I just had to get my thoughts down to see what we can do to fix this systemic problem. I wrote an article entitled Why are so many of our strongest Association Executives getting fired?, about the ill-fated careers of many amazing Association staff leaders.

22 07, 2024

Why are so many of our strongest Association Executives getting fired?

By |2024-08-19T10:30:45-07:00July 22nd, 2024|Associations, Industry Observations, MLS Insights, Recruiting, Strategic Planning|Comments Off on Why are so many of our strongest Association Executives getting fired?

Today, it is more important than ever that the real estate industry nurtures and protects its best and brightest staff executives. We need people that are thoughtfully helping the industry navigate the uncertain waters we are swimming in right now. I have noticed an alarming trend, though, counter to this need. In the past year or so, many progressive Association Executive leaders have been dismissed without cause, advance notice, or well-documented justification. It seems as though as the market has gotten tougher the number of firings has increased. This alarming trend made me think about a few things that may be lacking in training and governance orchestration we may want to consider.

13 08, 2024

How Volunteer Leaders can Avoid Inadvertently Firing Top Notch Association Executives

By |2024-08-13T12:03:46-07:00August 13th, 2024|MLS, MLS Insights, Strategic Planning|1 Comment

Today brokerages representing over 600,000 agents cannot or will not require NAR membership because of their proposed lawsuit settlements. Whether from litigation, DOJ rulings or the belief from brokerages (especially the $2 billion crowd) that NAR let them down, it is anything but business as usual right now. All Association leaders need to be open to new ways to doing business to be able to ride out this storm. Forward-looking, strategic AE’s recognize these vulnerabilities. They are effectively partnering with their volunteer leaders to push the envelope, eliminating outdated or poorly attended programs and focusing their attention on preparing for future scenarios that may be foisted on the industry from lawyers, the DOJ or some other unknown threat.

19 02, 2016

Why Agents Should Never Use Personal eMail

By |2018-05-03T21:23:23-07:00February 19th, 2016|Broker-Agent Information, Main category|1 Comment

I saw a news article recently about why real estate agents should use their personal email addresses. The article talked about the 10,000 selfish reasons why it benefits the Realtor®. It was a grand display of the underbelly of self-centered real estate professionals. I am here to tell you that using a personal email for real estate business is STUPID and perhaps illegal. The communications between a real estate agent and a consumer are subject to the real estate laws in your state. They are communications that happen under the supervision of the agent’s real estate broker. They are covered [...]

21 03, 2014

Top 5 Articles of the Week

By |2018-05-03T21:24:15-07:00March 21st, 2014|Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights, Technology Evaluation|Comments Off on Top 5 Articles of the Week

As you may or may not know, RE Technology was founded by the WAV Group partners to support the role of MLSs and Associations in delivering a wide array of information and education about real estate technology. On May 5th, the company turns three years old! Since 2011, we have been able to deliver over 100,000 pages of valuable information that helps practitioners learn about technology and the companies that provide technology services to power their business.  Each week, RE Technology sends a report to more than 4500 executives and staff of the nations MLSs and Associations of REALTORS® offering [...]