Acquiring More Profit
The Definitive Guide to Successful Mergers & Acquisitions
Acquiring More Profit: Online Course
Learn the keys to successful real estate mergers and acquisitions in our new online course, “Acquiring More Profit.” Victor Lund and George Slusser guide you through each chapter of the book and share with you the lessons they have learned while doing 1000’s of M&A transactions.
Included in the course are digital copies of the book and the Implementation System and over 7 hours of video instruction.
Book Reviews
Acquiring More Profit, The Definitive Guide to Successful Real Estate Brokerage Mergers & Acquisitions by George Slusser and Victor Lund is a must-read for every brokerage executive. I believe there will be many new opportunities for broker/owners to explore and evaluate in terms of expanding their firms, and this book helps breakdown and explain the potential, the challenges and how to make it happen for your business.
We are proof that the principles, tools, and systems described in this book work. This book is even more comprehensive than the first one which has been our M&A foundation for years. We have grown exponentially through M&A by engaging George and the WAV Group on our last seven acquisitions. They assist us with all phases of the M&A process from valuation to closing. We would not consider doing one without their assistance and now he and Victor are sharing their expertise with everyone.
Finally, a comprehensive, evergreen and incredibly easy to digest blue- print for M&A success in the residential real estate space. I’ve experienced both sides of the process as an executive leader. The best advice I can offer is to conduct extraordinary research, be incredibly prepared and have a watertight implementation plan. This book is a stellar re- source that will help you best accomplish those tasks.
George is a legend in the real estate valuation, mergers, and acquisitions space. Anytime we are doing anything big, I always make sure to discuss it with him. Now he, combined with Victor Lund are offering the benefit of their vast experience to everyone. This book and corresponding Implementation System are a complete master class on how to complete a successful M&A transaction.
Meet the Authors
Acquiring More Profit Book and Implementation System
Get the Book In Paperback

The Definitive Guide to Successful M&A
Acquiring More Profit is the long-awaited update to the real estate industry’s groundbreaking and bestselling M&A book, Acquiring Profit. Many of the foundational principles outlined in the first book helped “kick-start” the M&A frenzy of the past two decades, and have been updated in this edition to reflect the current market conditions and the experience gained from participation in hundreds more actual transactions.
The book offers practical advice and covers the complete M&A process literally, from contemplating an acquisition strategy to closing and beyond. Readers will be led on a complete and thorough journey outlining every phase of the process.
Read The Book Then Take Action
Potential sellers will be evaluating you as a buyer from the first contact through every phase of the process. The forms, scripts and checklists in the Acquiring More Profit Implementation System will demonstrate your preparedness, competence and professionalism leading to a successful transaction.
- Save Time and Money
- Find More Qualified Candidates
- Prepare Professional Presentations and Offers
- Transition New Agents More Successfully

Empower Your Leadership
Get a copy of Acquiring More Profit for each member of your leadership team, empowering them with the knowledge and expertise needed to excel in your M&A endeavors. Our discounted bulk prices make this an incredibly cost-effective investment in your organization’s future. Every broker-owner, office manager, and team leader needs to incorporate the mindset of acquiring growth for their business.
Acquiring More Profit
Request a consultation or a quote for bulk book orders directly from WAV Group