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So far Kevin Hawkins has created 335 blog entries.

OJO Labs adds two heavy hitters to line up: Heller and Karns join the AI leader

OJO Labs announced today that former Keller Williams CEO Chris Heller and Amazon veteran Karen Starns have joined the Artificial Intelligence leader. OJO Labs is growing rapidly far beyond building a world-class management team, adding tens of thousands of new home shoppers who are using its groundbreaking conversational AI assistant - working in tandem with local real estate agents and brokers - to help find the right home.

By |2019-07-24T14:05:06-07:00July 19th, 2019|Artificial Intelligence, Press Releases|Comments Off on OJO Labs adds two heavy hitters to line up: Heller and Karns join the AI leader

The RESO Conference: The Best Bang for Your Buck; Early Bird Discount Ends on Wed July 17th

The early bird registration discount for the Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO) Fall Conference in St Louis September 9-12, 2019 ends this Wednesday, July 17. This is a timely reminder of the remarkable value that one of real estate’s leading nonprofit organizations offers.

By |2019-07-16T08:38:44-07:00July 15th, 2019|Conferences, RESO|Comments Off on The RESO Conference: The Best Bang for Your Buck; Early Bird Discount Ends on Wed July 17th

Form Simplicity Gets a Major Update, Remains Realtor-Owned

Form Simplicity continues to offer one of the top paperless transaction solutions for agents and brokers. Now there’s more great news for subscribers and those looking to switch to the only industry-owned transaction management solution: one of the best TM programs just got better.

A Glance at America’s Most Prominent Minority Homebuyers

The Asian American and Pacific Islander community is America’s fastest-growing demographic. Sponsored by RE/MAX LLC and Freddie Mac, the “State of Asia America 2018-2019” report by AREAA is packed with insight into a community that too often goes overlooked in the real estate market.

By |2019-07-02T19:12:37-07:00July 1st, 2019|Conferences, Main category, Research|Comments Off on A Glance at America’s Most Prominent Minority Homebuyers

Real Estate Journalists Heading to Austin

Since 1929, the non-profit NAREE has been a place where real estate writers, editors, columnists, authors, and communicators come together to learn, as well as exchange ideas and best practices and get to know one another better.

By |2019-06-11T09:57:54-07:00June 11th, 2019|Conferences, Main category, Marketing|Comments Off on Real Estate Journalists Heading to Austin

How do you say award-winning AI in real estate? Try OJO

Last week was one for the awards record book for Austin-based OJO Labs, real estate’s leading Artificial Intelligence powerhouse, which includes Twin-Cities-based data giant WolfNet. OJO Labs won...

By |2019-06-04T08:55:47-07:00June 4th, 2019|Clients, Press Releases, Technology|1 Comment

Boise insider tips for RESO Tech Summit attendees

Perhaps a great unsung feature of the RESO conference is the selection of cool locations. Because of the size of the conference, they are able to accommodate attendees in smaller host cities. RESO Conferences have made me a fan of Kansas City and Milwaukee - who knew?

By |2019-04-30T11:14:43-07:00April 26th, 2019|Clients, RESO|Comments Off on Boise insider tips for RESO Tech Summit attendees

Marketing tip: Pay more attention to Gen Xers

The National Association of REALTORS research experts continuously share housing data with insights that sometimes surprises or delights. Their recent look into Gen Xers did both – for me at least. Here are some terrific nuggets that I believe has one major takeaway. It seems all the attention has been on Millennials (or Gen Y) when perhaps we should be spending more time focusing on this ready-to-buy market, the Gen Xers. “Defined as buyers between 39 and 54 years old, they now make up the SECOND largest share of home buyers by generation, at 24 percent of all home buyers [...]

By |2019-04-10T16:02:11-07:00April 10th, 2019|Marketing|Comments Off on Marketing tip: Pay more attention to Gen Xers