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So far Marilyn Wilson has created 527 blog entries.

Keep Up to Speed With The Ever Changing Trends of Real Estate This Year

With 2017 in full swing there is no better time to get prepared for the year ahead. WAVes of Change will provide you with most effective ways to help prep your association for the inevitable evolutions and revolutions the real estate industry may experience this year. We Attend the Events so You Don’t Have To We know how costly travel, hotel and expenses can be, especially for multiple people from your association to attend various major conferences throughout the year. Our educational webinars are centered around major conferences and will bring you updates straight from these sessions. Four times a [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:22:56-07:00January 26th, 2017|MLS Insights, Wav of Change|Comments Off on Keep Up to Speed With The Ever Changing Trends of Real Estate This Year

Looking for a Killer CTO position?

We work with tons of brokerages that say they want to look at their business in completely new ways. Companies that have been in the business for a long time though, cannot fundamentally change their approach for fear of losing agents and decreasing their market share. eXp REALTY is different. This company came out of the gate with a fundamentally different business model and an extremely unique approach to sales coaching, training and management. It is the Agent-Owned Cloud Brokerage®. Technology is absolutely at the center point of what makes eXp unique. Their industry exclusive use of a 3D immersive [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:22:57-07:00January 12th, 2017|Recruiting|Comments Off on Looking for a Killer CTO position?

NYC Party Next Week – Hamilton

Every year a bunch of us industry road warriors get together while we are in NYC to have an late night off campus party. This year, we will be meeting up at Tonic West. And as usual, John Heithaus has pulled together some of the best NYC musicians who will be playing a few sets of good old rock and roll along with some features from the hit musical Hamilton. Because it is a private underground event, only a few people have tickets. If you want to come reach out to your friends at one of the following companies: Realtor.com, [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:22:57-07:00January 11th, 2017|Main category|Comments Off on NYC Party Next Week – Hamilton

Keep Your Board Members Up To Speed for as Little as $12 Each

As we end 2016, now is a great time to sit back and reflect on the best ways to help prepare your association for the inevitable evolutions and revolutions the real estate industry may experience next year. Do you sometimes feel like your Board of Directors and key staff are out of touch with what’s really happening in the real estate industry today? Do you sometimes feel a bit isolated and would like to know if other organizations are facing the same challenges you are? MLSs, Associations and Boards that do not stay close to trends can enforce outdated rules [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:22:59-07:00December 20th, 2016|Wav of Change|Comments Off on Keep Your Board Members Up To Speed for as Little as $12 Each

Strategic Planning – More Critical Than Ever Now!

Never before has our industry been moving more quickly.  Industry initiatives like UpstreamRE, Broker Public Portal and AMP are coming are way.  Consumers are looking for more and more transparency. Agents must learn how to use technologies effectively if they are going to survive working with Millenials. What is YOUR organization doing to adapt and adjust to the fundamental changes that are upon us? WAV Group conducts strategic planning sessions regularly for MLSs, Associations, Brokerages and Technology companies. There are five fundamental questions that every organization needs to ask itself today. What’s our organization’s TRUE value?  If your organization was [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:23:01-07:00November 17th, 2016|Strategic Planning|Comments Off on Strategic Planning – More Critical Than Ever Now!

Don’t Miss Out on the WAVes of Change! Subscribe Before it’s Too Late!

With the holidays fast approaching and the end of the year in the horizon many associations and MLSs have begun to budget and are thinking about what services they should offer their members in 2017 and beyond. Don’t miss out on the WAVes of Change in 2017, be sure to plan accordingly! Did you miss NAR?   Where you and members of your Board of Managers stuck in the office rather than being out at NAR a couple of weeks ago … ? …Not a problem! We attend the events and conferences so you don’t have to! We understand that [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:23:01-07:00November 15th, 2016|MLS Insights, Wav of Change|Comments Off on Don’t Miss Out on the WAVes of Change! Subscribe Before it’s Too Late!


Our WAVes of Change™ Series means we attend the events so you don’t have to. Four times a year we present a live webinar which includes exclusive looks at WAV Group research, emerging technology trends, broker challenges, and policy discussion. Many successful MLSs and Associations already understand the value of this stimulating and cost-effective way to keep their members up to speed on industry initiatives that make an impact. Will YOU benefit? Does this sound like something your Association or MLS could benefit from in 2017? It’s the perfect way to boost your board members education without ever having to [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:23:02-07:00October 31st, 2016|Wav of Change|Comments Off on WAVES OF CHANGE: FINAL DAY FOR SAVINGS – DON’T MISS OUT ON OUR SPECIAL PRICING!

WAVes of Change: Spooktacular Savings – Halloween Special

With the end of 2016 only weeks away, and 2017 fast approaching, ensure your members are well informed with the essential information we’ll be sharing on the latest news and trends, cutting edge technologies, research findings, and strategies to navigate the challenges in the real estate industries. Our WAVes of Change™ Series means we attend the events so you don’t have to. Four times a year we present a live webinar which includes exclusive looks at WAV Group research, emerging technology trends, broker challenges, and policy discussion. Many successful MLSs and Associations already understand the value of this stimulating and [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:23:03-07:00October 24th, 2016|Wav of Change|Comments Off on WAVes of Change: Spooktacular Savings – Halloween Special

MetroList® Promotes Bill Miller to Chief Operating Officer and Names Bob Greenspan Vice President, Business Development

Sacramento, CA (October 18, 2016) – MetroList®, Northern California’s largest multiple listing service (MLS), announced today that Bill Miller has been promoted to Chief Operating Officer. Under Bill’s new leadership role, he will assume the day-to-day operational management of MetroList Services, Inc.Bill is a seasoned executive, and has been with MetroList for the 20 years, serving most recently as its Vice President and Corporate Secretary. MetroList also announced that Bob Greenspan has joined their executive team as Vice President, Business Development. Tom Beede will continue in his role as President, CEO and CFO. Bob brings over 25 years of industry [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:23:03-07:00October 20th, 2016|Press Releases|Comments Off on MetroList® Promotes Bill Miller to Chief Operating Officer and Names Bob Greenspan Vice President, Business Development

Schmooze vs. Substance – What are YOU using to make Technology Decisions?

Let’s face it. We operate in a very social industry.  We’re all a bunch of sales people. We love to go to parties, catch that final drink at the bar after dinner and attend swanky events sponsored by technology companies. In general, we just love to schmooze!  Its part of our real estate DNA! I definitely count myself on the list of schmoozers. We host at least three parties a year and countless dinners and events beyond that. They are a great way to get to know people and start new relationships. All of this networking is great, but we [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:23:04-07:00October 19th, 2016|Broker Technology Research|Comments Off on Schmooze vs. Substance – What are YOU using to make Technology Decisions?

WAVes of Change: The Fright Stuff – Halloween Special

With the end of 2016 fast approaching, and 2017 on the horizon, now is a great time to reflect on the best ways to help prepare your organization for the evolutions and revolutions which may happen next year. Are you Making Informed Decisions? Many things can happen when an Association or MLS is detached and not paying attention to the transient nature of the real estate industry and market. They can delay or even completely avoid decisions because they simply seem too difficult or controversial, causing the organization to fall behind or lose its competitive advantage. Even worse, Boards of [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:23:04-07:00October 17th, 2016|Wav of Change|Comments Off on WAVes of Change: The Fright Stuff – Halloween Special

2017 RESO Board of Directors Nominations

RESO is now accepting nominations for five open seats on the RESO Board of Directors. The RESO Board of Directors is responsible for the governance of RESO and development of the organization’s Strategic Plan. Two Vendor seats are available (Class B-5), for Vendors with revenues over $25 million. Three MLS seats are available (Class C 1-4), for MLSs with fewer than 50,000 members.  All five positions are for a two-year term beginning January 1, 2017. Candidates for the Board must be an employee of a RESO member organization. With the exception of NAR, no more than one person from a given [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:23:04-07:00October 10th, 2016|Recruiting|Comments Off on 2017 RESO Board of Directors Nominations