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So far Victor Lund has created 1283 blog entries.

Meta’s Threads: A New Social Media Launching Tomorrow

Meta, formerly known as Facebook, has once again made waves in the tech industry with the launch of their innovative social media app called Threads.

By |2023-07-05T13:32:05-07:00July 5th, 2023|Technology, Technology Evaluation|Comments Off on Meta’s Threads: A New Social Media Launching Tomorrow

Howard Hanna Opts Out of IDX and Tests VOW

All brokers and agents in the market have the option to upgrade their website to a VOW website. Given that Howard Hanna is the leading firm in the market, consumers will quickly realize that they are not seeing all the listings from IDX only sites.

By |2023-06-27T13:53:51-07:00June 27th, 2023|IDX, Industry Observations|Comments Off on Howard Hanna Opts Out of IDX and Tests VOW

Lawsuit: VHT vs. Zillow

Plaintiff VHT Inc., a real estate photography studio, sued online real estate service Zillow for copyright infringement, alleging that Zillow’s use of VHT’s photographs on its website exceeded the scope of the licenses VHT had with brokers, agents and listing services.

By |2023-06-13T14:55:40-07:00June 14th, 2023|Legal in Real Estate|Comments Off on Lawsuit: VHT vs. Zillow

Gathering of Eagles 2023 Broker Conference Hosted by RealTrends

The Gathering of Eagles conference, organized by RealTrends, is an eagerly awaited annual event that brings together real estate brokers from across the nation. With a compelling agenda, esteemed speakers, and ample networking opportunities, the conference promises to be an invaluable experience for all attendees.

By |2023-06-06T09:20:55-07:00June 6th, 2023|Conferences|Comments Off on Gathering of Eagles 2023 Broker Conference Hosted by RealTrends

Plunk and Milestones Join Forces through AI-Powered Remodel Insights

This is a great extension of the unparalleled functionality already available in Milestones Homeownership Hubs. Not only will the Plunk AVM be listed next to two other leading AVMs to provide home values, but now, homeowners, homebuyers, and home sellers can gauge the value growth from maintenance, home improvement and remodeling. Moreover, Plunk will be providing a data point for conversations between customers, their real estate agent and their financier. Congratulations to Plunk and Milestones - another great blend of REACH graduates. Please see below for the full press release.   Plunk and Milestones Join Forces to Unlock Trillions of [...]

By |2023-05-18T12:11:50-07:00May 18th, 2023|Artificial Intelligence, Homeowner Under Management, Real Estate Technology|Comments Off on Plunk and Milestones Join Forces through AI-Powered Remodel Insights

Agents Want CRM from their MLS and MLSListings Delivers

MLSListings selected Prospects CRM from CoreLogic and will be offering the full featured solution to every agent at no additional cost.

MIAMI Realtors – Parcel Centric Services Are Table Stakes for Every Real Estate App

MIAMI Association of Realtors® added their voice to the choir of MLSs who are launching parcel centric applications to empower the agent-client experience.

By |2023-05-15T13:53:10-07:00May 15th, 2023|Homeowner Under Management, MLS, Mortgage, Partnerships, Press Releases, Real Estate Technology|Comments Off on MIAMI Realtors – Parcel Centric Services Are Table Stakes for Every Real Estate App

Strategic Failure

Preparing for a Strategic Planning session involves a process of gaining a holistic view of the organization. Understanding your customer’s perspective is always the primary driver that informs everything. But understanding of staff culture and capabilities; system strengths and limitations; financial conditions; and industry trends pave a path to developing a plan that works. At the end of the day, the board of directors and the management team agree to a group of initiatives that will make the business stronger, and the strategic plan is born. Some organizations in real estate take the plan and execute it flawlessly where others [...]

By |2023-05-12T07:56:11-07:00May 12th, 2023|How to Make Strategic Planning Really Work in your MLS, Main category, MLS Insights, Strategic Planning|Comments Off on Strategic Failure

Real Estate Needs to Step Up Engagement with Fannie and Freddie

With half of the mortgages going to these Government Sponsored Entities (GSEs), there is an opportunity for Realtors® to be part of the solution. One of the leaders in working with realtors to collect data for GSEs is Clear Capital. They have partnered with CoreLogic to assist with the creation of more modern valuation and appraisal workflows.

By |2023-05-09T16:28:11-07:00May 3rd, 2023|Data-Driven Culture, Mortgage, Real Estate Technology|Comments Off on Real Estate Needs to Step Up Engagement with Fannie and Freddie

We Are Likely to See More Banks Fail

The recent Minsky moment has highlighted the fragility of the financial system, and the need for policymakers to take action to address the underlying issues. The Federal Reserve's decision to increase interest rates played a significant role in this crisis.

By |2023-03-27T17:25:10-07:00March 29th, 2023|Business Intelligence, Mortgage|Comments Off on We Are Likely to See More Banks Fail