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So far Victor Lund has created 1283 blog entries.

Supra Offers Showing Solution Through BrokerBay Acquisition

WAV Group met with Fayyad Sbaihat, President of Supra, a division of Carrier (NYSE: CARR) who announced the acquisition of BrokerBay last week. What makes this acquisition so important is the interoperability between Supra lockboxes and showing software.

By |2021-10-15T13:48:42-07:00October 14th, 2021|Acquisitions, Broker Information|1 Comment

Motley Fool Reviews Compass with Interesting Observations

When I saw the headline of Motley Fool taking a deep dive on Compass, I really expected Jason Moser and Matt Frankel to get it wrong - most of Wall Street does. Normally, Motley Fool gets it right – beating the stock market by 4x.

By |2021-10-12T10:27:57-07:00October 12th, 2021|Business Intelligence, Industry Observations, Technology Evaluation|Comments Off on Motley Fool Reviews Compass with Interesting Observations

CoreLogic Renames Matrix to Listing Management Platform

The Matrix multiple listing solution offered, by CoreLogic, to about half of all real estate professionals in North America (US and Canada) has also been renamed. The new name for Matrix is Listing Management Platform.

By |2021-10-07T15:05:43-07:00October 8th, 2021|Data-Driven Culture, MLS Insights, Real Estate Technology|Comments Off on CoreLogic Renames Matrix to Listing Management Platform

RatePlug integrates with OneHome from CoreLogic, Displaying Real-Time Mortgage Payment Information and Finance Options on Property Listings

While some think of MLS systems only as utility tools, they often overlook the incredible marketing power of the MLS; it delivers the ability to agents to explore with past clients, current customers and prospects via the robust prospecting tools available in MLS systems - such as OneHome from Corelogic.

By |2021-10-06T14:34:17-07:00October 7th, 2021|Announcements, MLS, Press Releases, Real Estate Technology|Comments Off on RatePlug integrates with OneHome from CoreLogic, Displaying Real-Time Mortgage Payment Information and Finance Options on Property Listings

First Ever, A PropTech Franchise from MooveGuru

MooveGuru is pioneering a their first PropTech franchise program that allows local franchisees to offer their services to local agents and brokers - but this is the first localized service.

By |2021-10-06T14:33:34-07:00October 7th, 2021|Announcements, Press Releases, Real Estate Technology|Comments Off on First Ever, A PropTech Franchise from MooveGuru

Trestle Renamed CoreLogic Property Data Marketplace

CoreLogic® is a data company first and foremost. The applications they develop to meet the needs of different customers in the real estate space are really just an extension of the underlying data. Data is the beating heart of their business, which is why they are so good at managing it.

By |2021-10-04T18:45:33-07:00October 5th, 2021|Announcements, Data-Driven Culture|Comments Off on Trestle Renamed CoreLogic Property Data Marketplace

Mark A. McLaughlin Starts New Endeavor Worth Watching

If you are part of the brokerage community, you have probably met or know about Mark A. McLaughlin. He has grown a few companies and had some very successful exits, including Pacific Union to Compass – one of the largest real estate brokerage sales in history. Today he launched his new website where he posts insightful observations about the industry.

By |2021-10-01T19:06:54-07:00October 4th, 2021|Announcements, Broker Information|Comments Off on Mark A. McLaughlin Starts New Endeavor Worth Watching

Elm Street Technology Acquires Austin-Based Digital Marketing Company OutboundEngine

WAV Group would like to congratulate Elm Street Technology for their 5th acquisition this year. In acquiring Outbound Engine, they take the lead in acquisitions and hold the title of the most active private equity backed company in real estate by unit volume of companies acquired this year (Stone Point Capital is the leader by dollar volume).

By |2021-09-28T13:42:44-07:00September 28th, 2021|Acquisitions, Announcements, Press Releases, Real Estate Technology|Comments Off on Elm Street Technology Acquires Austin-Based Digital Marketing Company OutboundEngine

Innovation through Improv – Learned at CMLS

Improv is funny and magical. Many companies who lead in innovation across all industries leverage in the simple rules of improv; brokerage leadership Teams can find great opportunities for innovation and improve just about any aspect of your business.

By |2021-09-21T17:15:59-07:00September 22nd, 2021|Business Intelligence, Strategic Planning, Team Building|Comments Off on Innovation through Improv – Learned at CMLS

Customer for Life: MooveGuru Is a Service Consumers Use

One market segment that WAV Group has been keeping a close eye on is moving concierge. In a press release issued today, MooveGuru reports that their home service providers have been used over nine million times by agent customers.

By |2021-09-14T09:48:23-07:00September 14th, 2021|Communications and PR, Press Releases|Comments Off on Customer for Life: MooveGuru Is a Service Consumers Use

Howard Hanna Real Estate Services Names Leah Gibbons as Senior Vice President and General Manager of Brokerage

WAV Group congratulates Leah Gibbons and wishes her well in the new role of Senior Vice President and General Manager of Brokerage. We look forward to collaborating with her.

By |2021-08-31T13:41:41-07:00September 1st, 2021|Announcements|Comments Off on Howard Hanna Real Estate Services Names Leah Gibbons as Senior Vice President and General Manager of Brokerage