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So far THE WAV GROUP has created 604 blog entries.

Who cares about the photo on your business card?

There was an intriguing article on Agent Genius today about whether or not to include your photo in your real estate branding. The article generated a lot of good feedback from agents on both sides of the fence. Actually I think is fundamentally the wrong question to ask.  As the former VP Marketing for Fisher-Price, in my opinion, branding has NOTHING to do with whether you include a photo or not. Brands are built on a clear definition of your unique value proposition.  They are also built on DELIVERING against your value proposition consistently and better than anyone else.  Fisher-Price, for [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:59-07:00October 7th, 2010|Broker-Agent Information, Main category|Comments Off on Who cares about the photo on your business card?

Clareity Study shows big MLS – Broker disconnect

Real Estate Technology consulting firm, Clareity along with REAL Trends conducted a 2010 MLS Initiatives Survey for brokers. They surveyed 500 of the nation’s top brokers and received 150 responses. What surprised me was the apparent disconnect between what MLSs are doing and how brokers feel about it. In my reading, I was not so surprised by the results, but surprised that brokers have a lack of understanding of the initiatives themselves. Listing Syndication - 36% of brokers oppose or strongly oppose it. If so, why are brokers syndicating listings at all. The MLS is not syndicating the listings, brokers opt into the free [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:59-07:00October 6th, 2010|Main category|Comments Off on Clareity Study shows big MLS – Broker disconnect

MRIS Goes Live With RETechnology.com

MRIS recently announced they have gone live with RETechnology.com as a member benefit to help their brokers and agents make more informed technology decisions.  RETechnology.com is the largest portal of its kind dedicated to providing real estate professionals information on real estate technology and products on one easy to use site.  RETechnology.com is free when offered to real estate professionals through their MLS. John Heithaus, CMO of MRIS, explains that, “RETechnology is the first website of its kind in the industry and promises to make a positive impact in the purchasing decisions made by agents and brokers. Think of it as an [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:00-07:00October 5th, 2010|Main category, MLS Insights, Our Company|Comments Off on MRIS Goes Live With RETechnology.com

NJMLS Executive Director Tina Griffin to Retire after 34 Years

According to a press release from NJMLS on October 1st, 2010. Tina Griffin, the respected Executive Director of the New Jersey Multiple Listing Service, has announced that she will be retiring in January 2011 after 34 years at the helm of the REALTOR® owned organization. This marks the end of a long career, with many significant achievements marking the milestones of a company that has long been the benchmark to which other MLS systems aspire. Nelson Chen, Broker/Owner of The Chen Agency and President of the NJMLS Board of Directors, states, “I have had the privilege and honor of working with [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:01-07:00October 4th, 2010|MLS Insights|Comments Off on NJMLS Executive Director Tina Griffin to Retire after 34 Years

Point2 Announces New MLS/Association Syndication Program Inplementations

NEWS RELEASE Point2 Technologies Announces Eleven New MLS and Association Listing Syndication Program Implementations Saskatoon, SK and Vancouver, BC September 27, 2010 Point2 Technologies (”Point2“) today announced eleven additional real estate MLSs (Multiple Listing Service) and Associations in the United States have recently selected and completed the implementation of the companys benchmark setting property listing aggregation and syndication solution.   Todays announcement follows a September 22, 2010 release by Point2 that the REALTOR®Association Of Greater Fort Lauderdale, Inc., one of the largest REALTOR® Associations in the State of Florida, with 8,600 members and 20,000 listings, had also completed the Point2 program roll [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:01-07:00September 27th, 2010|Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Point2 Announces New MLS/Association Syndication Program Inplementations

Prudential California/Nevada CEO Krafchow names new company co-presidents

In a news release today, Ed Krafchow, CEO of Prudential California Realty and Prudential Nevada Realty placed his confidence in David Gardner and Pat Shea as co-Presidents of his company. Together, they will assume the role of continuing to guide this great brokerage down the path of success that Krafchow began so many years ago. It is really a great story about two REALTORS, Agents, like so many others that join the ranks each day. These two passionate individuals grew up in the industry, and like Krafchow - share a vision for managing a brokerage with highly trained agents, leveraging [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:01-07:00September 25th, 2010|Main category|Comments Off on Prudential California/Nevada CEO Krafchow names new company co-presidents

MRED Launches new brand image How strong is YOUR brand image?

It’s very exciting to see MRED, the second largest MLS in the United States launch a new brand image for their company.  Their tagline “reinventing MLS” may give all of us a clue about where Russ Bergeron, their new CEO and the rest of his staff are going.  It looks like they are going to “shake things up” a bit. I am heartened by a leader in the MLS industry that is taking their brand seriously. They have launched a whole new marketing campaign to help build awareness of their brand to their subscribers.   By using such an inspirational mark, [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:01-07:00September 25th, 2010|Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on MRED Launches new brand image How strong is YOUR brand image?

Concerned about Lower Real Estate Commission Rates? Try Transaction Management

Today’s real estate consumer communicates very differently with their agent than in past times.  Unlike boomers who like to get to know their agent and work with them in person, Gen Y’s prefer to do most things electronically.  They ask for you to send them an update to a contract via text.   They want you to set them up on auto email from your MLS system to look for listings that match their search criteria. Bottomline, they want to just “get it done". They don’t have the time or interest to really get to know and the true skills you [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:01-07:00September 24th, 2010|Broker Technology Research, Broker-Agent Information, Main category|Comments Off on Concerned about Lower Real Estate Commission Rates? Try Transaction Management

What Happened to Notice of Participants

I came across this post today from an excellent blog by 2 consultant/Attorneys, Tim Jacobson and John Reese - check out thier blog at http://www.strategicmls.com In this post, they remind us of some basics - republished here There may be some confusion about the rights of MLS in connection with new opportunities to license listing content to third parties, such as  Realtors Property Resource™ (RPR), CoreLogic®, and Move®.  For years, National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) has appropriately taken the position that listings are the property of the participant who generated them.  Policy Statement 7.85 adopted by NAR in May, 2005 states [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:01-07:00September 23rd, 2010|Main category|Comments Off on What Happened to Notice of Participants

MOVE, operators of Realtor.com, Acquires Threewide Listhub

In a MOVE that is sure to improve listing syndication to third party websites, MOVE, Inc has aquired Threewide, the operators of the popular ListHub product which syndicates listings to their party websites like Trulia and Zillow for customers like MLSs, Brokers, Franchises, etc. If you saw the MOVE announcement last week whereby their contract with NAR regarding Listing Syndication needed to be amended, you can appreciate just how tight the relationship is between MOVE and NAR. There is very little that MOVE can do without NAR’s blessing and approval. Everyone should be proud that NAR takes Broker Listing Content so [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:01-07:00September 21st, 2010|Main category|Comments Off on MOVE, operators of Realtor.com, Acquires Threewide Listhub

The RPR – Data Seeker Update

The RPR Data Seeker Update It has been almost twelve months since the San Diego NAR conference when RPR had their coming out party and began the data wars our industry finds itself in.  Maybe it didn’t actually start the whole issue of using MLS data for non-traditional purposes, but it certainly put it in our mainstream discussions.  It also made the whole concept of using MLS data for purposes other than selling properties a concept that the industry was willing to consider.  This was a big shift and one that hadn’t had much energy since REGIB (Real Estate Business [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:02-07:00September 21st, 2010|Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights, Our Company|Comments Off on The RPR – Data Seeker Update