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So far THE WAV GROUP has created 604 blog entries.

New Face at WAV Group – Sean Heidinger

WAV Group is pleased to introduce Sean Heidinger as the newest member of the WAV Group team.  Sean brings a wealth of entrepreneurial and business experience to WAV Group and has joined the company as Executive Assistant to Mike Audet in our east coast office. […]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:33-07:00August 2nd, 2011|Main category|Comments Off on New Face at WAV Group – Sean Heidinger

Data for Money – What Have We Learned Since NAR – San Diego in 2009

If you want something to remind you how fast things are going in our world today just think back to where things were in San Diego at the NAR Conference in 2009, when RPR was announced for real!  Things have moved pretty dramatically since that first sales pitch, not just for RPR, but also for real estate data in general. In that 20 months we have seen RPR grow to have agreements with 274 MLSs and over 500,000 Realtors.  RPR reports they are launched in 80 MLSs serving about 224,000 Realtors and recent months have seen some of the big [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:34-07:00July 20th, 2011|Main category|Comments Off on Data for Money – What Have We Learned Since NAR – San Diego in 2009

LPS Real Estate Group Powers Consumer-Facing Website for the Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY)

Press Release LPS Real Estate Group Powers Consumer-Facing Website for the Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY) JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - July 18, 2011 - LPS Real Estate Group, a division of Lender Processing Services (LPS), announced today that its MLS Portal was chosen by the Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY) to serve as the platform for its newly launched consumer-facing website, NY1Residential.com, a re-launch of REBNY's existing New York City real estate listing website.

LPS Real Estate Group's MLS Portal provides multiple listing services with a branded website that offers consumers direct access to comprehensive property listing content.  [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:34-07:00July 19th, 2011|Main category, MLS Insights, Press Releases|Comments Off on LPS Real Estate Group Powers Consumer-Facing Website for the Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY)

My Florida MLS (MFRMLS) Signs Exclusive Agreement With CoreLogic Partner InfoNet Program

My Florida Regional MLS Joins CoreLogic® Partner InfoNet —Largest MLS in Florida Signs Exclusive Agreement— SANTA ANA, Calif., July 19, 2011—CoreLogic (NYSE: CLGX), a leading provider of information, analytics and business services, today announced that My Florida Regional MLS (MFRMLS) has signed an exclusive agreement with CoreLogic to participate in Partner InfoNet. Partner InfoNet is a revenue sharing program in which multiple listing services (MLSs) license their listing data to CoreLogic for use in risk management products for mortgage lenders, servicers and the capital markets. “Partner InfoNet gives us a controlled way to license our data and deliver that value [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:34-07:00July 19th, 2011|Broker Technology Research, Broker-Agent Information, MLS Insights, Press Releases|Comments Off on My Florida MLS (MFRMLS) Signs Exclusive Agreement With CoreLogic Partner InfoNet Program

CoreLogic Data Co-op Product Gaining Traction

CoreLogic announced today the addition of two more MLSs to their InfoNet™ program.  We received confirmation from CoreLogic that they currently have a total of 49 accounts in the program, representing 260,000 agents and 860,000 listings. An interesting side note of their Partner InfoNet™ program is the fact that their DataCoop products seems to be getting some serious consideration and use.  A number of MLSs are receiving their DataCoop product for free if they are an exclusive InfoNet™ partner and others are paying for it, but they note the price is not high. According to CoreLogic, they are seeing MLSs beginning to share [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:34-07:00July 12th, 2011|Main category|Comments Off on CoreLogic Data Co-op Product Gaining Traction

Good Sales People Like Tension!

Want to Lose a Sale?  Be a Therapist! If you are a sales person, selling anything from property to technology, have you ever made this classic mistake?  Your customer has entered the buying process, for whatever the product is, a house, a new MLS system, a new website, whatever, and you have a chance to sell them your product.  They have reached what I will call the “threshold of activation” meaning simply that enough energy exists around an event for them to take action on it.  They have experienced a business pain or recognized some lack in how they are [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:35-07:00July 11th, 2011|Broker-Agent Information, Main category, Marketing, Our Services|Comments Off on Good Sales People Like Tension!

The Shift in Real Estate Technology – New white paper

Real Estate Technology is Shifting We are seeing a significant shift occurring in real estate technology that will impact our industry dramatically in the years to come.  Like most shifts, it didn’t happen all at once but if you look carefully you can see the seeds of this shift many years back.  Pressure builds slowly but when it reaches a critical point changes occur quickly and we believe for a number of reasons that is what we are seeing today. (Download new white paper)   What’s Driving this Shift? […]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:38-07:00June 27th, 2011|Main category|Comments Off on The Shift in Real Estate Technology – New white paper

When It’s Good To Lose Control

Business leaders can plan and set strategies but the real key to whether these plans are executed successfully is what their organization does after the plan is released.  Do they embrace the plan?  Do they start strong and then slip back to their old ways?  Do initiatives kick off with great promise and then lose momentum?  Do you find yourself having to continually push the plan rather than seeing full engagement by your staff?  Do you find that some of your staff get on board while others resist change? Here’s the truth! […]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:41-07:00May 31st, 2011|Broker Technology Research, Main category, MLS Insights, Strategic Planning, Suveys and Research|Comments Off on When It’s Good To Lose Control

Making a Change Requires Some Tension

We have always been big believers that most change occurs as a result of some “pain”.   While we all would like to create change in our lives for positive reasons, and we certainly do at times, a good deal of “major” changes in business and personal lives come about as a result of pain or some “tension” in our lives.  It’s the old aspirin vs. vitamins story. We know we should take vitamins; they are good for us right?  But, if you have a really bad headache or muscle ache you are most likely going to take something for it more [...]

WAV Group

WAV Group always begins with a clear understanding of the needs and objectives of the customer as well as the end user.  Our team can help you outline a new strategic direction for growth, product or service improvement. We can help you better understand your member and clients needs by proven research methodology. We can assist you to make wise technology decision and stay with you and drive implementation. In short, we work with your organization to help you successfully reach your specific business objectives! WAV Group always begins with a clear understanding of the needs and objectives of the [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:43-07:00April 20th, 2011|Our Company, Our Services, Strategic Planning|Comments Off on WAV Group

Point 2 Announces New Syndication Partners

Point2 Announces 11 New Listing Syndication Partnerships Associations and MLSs leveraging Point2 program to enhance broker security San Diego, - April 07, 2011 - Online real estate marketing solution provider Point2 (www.Point2.com) announced  today that it has completed the technology implementation and market rollout of its listing syndication and real estate broker and agent product line co-marketing program with 11 additional real estate Multiple Listing Service (MLS) organizations and associations. The new implementations bring the number of syndication partners served by Point2 in North America to nearly 240. The Point2 program, launched more than two years ago, plays an increasingly critical role [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:45-07:00April 7th, 2011|Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Point 2 Announces New Syndication Partners

Products that get adopted keep it simple! Vendors that make them, look and listen.

Over the past few weeks I have been doing a lot of work with both vendors, brokers and agents evaluating different technologies.  In some cases this involved helping vendors improve their products and on the other side involved helping brokers and agents choose new products.  Something that hit me over and over again in both cases was the fact that our industry has over engineered products over and over again.  Why?  Because we don’t really listen to what users want.  We think we know better.  We understand all of the complex features that need to be included in websites, and [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:46-07:00March 11th, 2011|Broker Technology Research, Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Products that get adopted keep it simple! Vendors that make them, look and listen.