Real AI: AI Wasteland, the Song, Headlines and Five Fast Facts

By Kevin Hawkins with Korey Hawkins | Vol. 1 Post 8 Real AI is a 100% human-created weekly roundup of all things AI in real estate and emerging AI innovations in other sectors likely to impact real estate, posting a new edition every Friday. AI Wasteland Is AI a lie? My greatest fear, fueled by the rabid hyperbole created by AI and ignited by its unmatched trajectory, is that we make the same mistake with this tech that we have with so many others. The great overpromise and underdeliver. It won't derail AI, but it could certainly arm its resistors. [...]

By |2024-05-15T14:45:55-07:00October 13th, 2023|Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, PropTech, Real Estate Technology, Technology|Comments Off on Real AI: AI Wasteland, the Song, Headlines and Five Fast Facts

Real AI: Legal minefield, 5 Facts and AI Meme of the week

By Kevin Hawkins with Korey Hawkins | Vol. 1 Post 6 Real AI is a 100% human-created weekly roundup of all things AI in real estate and emerging AI innovations in other sectors likely to impact real estate, posting a new edition every Friday. AI is creating a legal minefield While the Federal government and dozens of states scurry to create AI legislation, AI cases are already filling our courts. Among the most notable lawsuits: Microsoft, GitHub, and OpenAI are being sued for allegedly violating copyright law by reproducing open-source code using AI. Visual artists in a proposed class-action lawsuit [...]

By |2024-05-15T14:49:54-07:00September 29th, 2023|Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Legal in Real Estate, Marketing, PropTech, Real Estate Technology, Technology|Comments Off on Real AI: Legal minefield, 5 Facts and AI Meme of the week

Real AI: $300 billion, Digital Twins and Musk says he’s an idiot

By Kevin Hawkins with Korey Hawkins | Vol. 1 Post 3 Real AI is a 100% human-created weekly roundup of all things AI in real estate and emerging AI innovations in other sectors likely to impact real estate, posting a new edition every Friday. Why Revive Vision AI is a game-changing use of AI Pre-sale renovation leader Revive kicked off their biggest product release – Revive Vision AI – with a huge Launch Party this week. This is precisely the kind of AI we need right now in real estate. First, a bit of background. The pre-sale renovation category is [...]

By |2024-05-15T14:53:25-07:00September 8th, 2023|Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, PropTech, Real Estate Technology, Technology|Comments Off on Real AI: $300 billion, Digital Twins and Musk says he’s an idiot

Real AI: Florida, Headlines and The Beatles

Introducing Real AI – a human-curated weekly roundup of all things AI in real estate and emerging AI innovations in other sectors likely to impact real estate, posting a new edition every Friday.

By |2024-05-10T10:30:32-07:00August 25th, 2023|Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Real Estate Technology, Technology|Comments Off on Real AI: Florida, Headlines and The Beatles

Computer vision is revolutionizing MLSs: The appraisal industry is next

I spent a large part of my career in the mortgage business - long before computer vision was a thing. I was a VP at one of the largest nationwide retail lenders (Great Western), a Fannie Mae Director both in public affairs and later as head of the Seattle Partnership office, and finally, a mortgage loan officer for over eight years with the largest lenders (Countrywide, Wells Fargo and Chase) in the country at the time. These combined experiences give me a unique vantage point of looking at this industry from a 35,000 foot level and the surface as a [...]

By |2023-08-11T07:34:27-07:00August 4th, 2023|Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, MLS, Real Estate Technology|Comments Off on Computer vision is revolutionizing MLSs: The appraisal industry is next