Gathering of Eagles 2023 Broker Conference Hosted by RealTrends

The Gathering of Eagles conference, organized by RealTrends, is an eagerly awaited annual event that brings together real estate brokers from across the nation. With a compelling agenda, esteemed speakers, and ample networking opportunities, the conference promises to be an invaluable experience for all attendees.

By |2023-06-06T09:20:55-07:00June 6th, 2023|Conferences|Comments Off on Gathering of Eagles 2023 Broker Conference Hosted by RealTrends

Big conventions are back – believe it or not: A look at the Builders Show in Vegas

I had an immediate pandemic flashback as I looked around at the thousands of people that filled the Las Vegas Convention Center at this week's National Association of Home Builders annual International Builders Show. I remember asking colleagues on virtual conferences at the height of the pandemic if anyone thought we'd ever have major, mask-less conventions again. The consensus was “no way.” NAHB's International Builders Show or IBS is the nation's biggest real estate show by nearly every measure. Yes, way. In fact, it was rare to see many masks at the latest builder show. And I probably [...]

By |2023-02-03T12:41:23-08:00February 2nd, 2023|Conferences, Real Estate Technology, Technology|Comments Off on Big conventions are back – believe it or not: A look at the Builders Show in Vegas

And the winner is … Revive tops 12 hot startups in the “Pitch Battle” at NAR iOi Summit

The two-day National Association of Realtors fourth annual iOi Summit in Los Angeles hit its crescendo just minutes before it adjourned with the biggest announcement of the conference. Revive Real Estate, the fast-growing startup that’s blazing the presale renovation trail, was named the 2022 winner of the highly coveted “Pitch Battle.” It was a moment that embodied the conference acronym: innovation, opportunity and investment as Revive snagged the winner-take-all $15,000 prize and benefits that will help pole-vault it massive industry awareness. Revive’s four-minute pitch was handled deftly by its CEO and Co-Founder Michael Allawadi. Then Michael faced four more minutes [...]

By |2022-09-30T10:31:03-07:00September 30th, 2022|Conferences, Industry Observations, NAR, Press Releases, Real Estate Technology, Technology|Comments Off on And the winner is … Revive tops 12 hot startups in the “Pitch Battle” at NAR iOi Summit

CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® Blazes a New Path with Milestones Homeownership Hubs

Today, C.A.R announced that they have made an investment in Milestones, and are making the Milestones Homeownership Hubs a member benefit for all California Realtors. The CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (C.A.R) is no stranger to innovation and REALTOR empowerment.

By |2022-09-22T13:51:04-07:00September 22nd, 2022|Announcements, Communications and PR, Conferences, Partnerships, Press Releases|Comments Off on CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® Blazes a New Path with Milestones Homeownership Hubs

iOi Summit is Next Week – You Should Attend

This is no ordinary real estate conference where speakers “pay to play” and you’re essentially watching commercials on stage for days. The iOi Summit is different.  It doesn’t matter if you’re an investor, a start-up, or a tech-savvy realtor. The event takes place next week on September 28th and 29th, in Los Angeles. Register now!

By |2022-09-21T12:30:49-07:00September 21st, 2022|Associations, Conferences, M&A, Mergers & Acquisitions, NAR|Comments Off on iOi Summit is Next Week – You Should Attend

RISMedia’s CEO and Leadership Exchange – Sept. 6 in Washington D.C.

It has been a long time since brokers have gathered to shake hands and reconnect on a professional and social level. More than anything, the RISMedia CEO & Leadership Exchange is a place for brokers to meet and learn from each other.

By |2022-08-04T09:20:26-07:00August 4th, 2022|Broker Information, Conferences|Comments Off on RISMedia’s CEO and Leadership Exchange – Sept. 6 in Washington D.C.

Online Conferences Suck – Let’s Meet at Leading RE in Vegas

Conferences are the most fundamental learning opportunities for business leaders. WAV Group was built on conferences, relationships, conversations, and sorting out the direction of each business throughout the year.

By |2021-05-12T18:45:34-07:00May 12th, 2021|Conferences|1 Comment

More competitors than ever — and counting: REALTOR membership sets a new record

Last year, the National Association of REALTORS® reported 1.4 million members. In October, the NAR total membership number now stands at 1,453,128 – up some 50,000 new members in growth during the middle of a pandemic.

By |2020-11-18T08:33:08-08:00November 18th, 2020|Broker-Agent Information, Conferences|Comments Off on More competitors than ever — and counting: REALTOR membership sets a new record

Feeling guilty about working from home

Before the pandemic, according to most recent Census data, only 1 in 20 Americans worked from home. I am part of that original 5 percent group. And watching clients, vendors, colleagues – my spouse -- and others struggle to work from home, I am feeling incredibly guilty.

By |2020-04-29T11:43:04-07:00April 29th, 2020|Conferences, COVID-19|1 Comment

All eyes are on RESO Remote April 21-23

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. That's how many people, companies, and organizations, like the Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO), are responding to these uncertain times. Unable to host its standard Spring Tech Summit in New Orleans, the team at RESO came out early with a pivot to create a digital summit version – April 21-23. That's welcoming news, as many folks will tell you RESO is the best-kept secret among all real estate conferences. True, there won’t be a #RESOnola, but I am ready #RESOremote. I need a conference – badly.  So, I have blocked my calendar [...]

Divergent Perspectives by America’s Real Estate Leaders

This year, we see the tale of two beliefs - a group that believes that real estate is poised for growth - and a group that believes that our strong US Economy has a higher risk of downside despite 2019 jumping out to a great start.

By |2020-01-30T08:17:12-08:00January 30th, 2020|Conferences, Our Services|Comments Off on Divergent Perspectives by America’s Real Estate Leaders