Showing Instructions Should Require Buyer Broker Agency Agreement Today

Every broker may require it of their buyer’s agents today. The real question revolves around when it's required.

By |2023-08-31T14:14:57-07:00August 31st, 2023|Industry Observations, Legal in Real Estate, Thought Leadership|Comments Off on Showing Instructions Should Require Buyer Broker Agency Agreement Today

4 Steps To Protect Against Sexual Harassment In Your Association or MLS

If you're concerned about sexual harassment in your real estate company, here's what you can do to make changes for the better.

By |2023-08-28T11:27:22-07:00August 28th, 2023|Legal in Real Estate, NAR, News|Comments Off on 4 Steps To Protect Against Sexual Harassment In Your Association or MLS

Lawsuit: VHT vs. Zillow

Plaintiff VHT Inc., a real estate photography studio, sued online real estate service Zillow for copyright infringement, alleging that Zillow’s use of VHT’s photographs on its website exceeded the scope of the licenses VHT had with brokers, agents and listing services.

By |2023-06-13T14:55:40-07:00June 14th, 2023|Legal in Real Estate|Comments Off on Lawsuit: VHT vs. Zillow

Facing the Future of the MLS Buyer Broker Commission Litigation

Are you following any of the Buyer Commission lawsuits? MLSs that require a listing broker to provide a blanket, unilateral offer of compensation to buyer brokers in order to submit a listing to the MLS is likely to be rendered obsolete. Imagining a future of the MLS without the offer of compensation, should be the top issue discussed in MLS board rooms today.

By |2022-10-04T16:13:13-07:00October 5th, 2022|Associations, Bills and Policies, Legal in Real Estate, MLS, MLS Insights, Our Services, Research|Comments Off on Facing the Future of the MLS Buyer Broker Commission Litigation