Sometimes Profitability is NOT as Important as Market Share

Of course, the ultimate goal of any business is to create profitability for its owners, shareholders, and stockholders.  Without profitability, the business will cease to exist. To quote Kenny Rogers, sometimes you need to know when to hold up and when to fold up, though.   There are times when a company is in a significant competitive situation where it needs to go into the market guns a-blazing and grab as much market share and mind share as it can. In the market we’re in right now, some might think the worst is over.  They may think it’s time to start [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:24:02-07:00August 6th, 2014|Main category, Marketing, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Sometimes Profitability is NOT as Important as Market Share

Real Estate Book and Homes & Land Under One Roof

Real Estate Media Holdings, LLC, a Lion Equity company, has broadened its investment in the real estate marketing space by adding Homes & Land, a leading real estate media brand, to its portfolio, along with the additional brands Estates & Homes, Rental Guide and Home Guide. The group purchased NewPoint Media Group, publishers of The Real Estate Book, in June of 2012. Both The Real Estate Book and Homes & Land publish local real estate magazines in hundreds of markets across the U.S., Canada, and the Caribbean through a network of independent business owners. In addition, both brands power high [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:24:02-07:00August 5th, 2014|Broker-Agent Information, MLS Insights, Press Releases|Comments Off on Real Estate Book and Homes & Land Under One Roof

Zillow Announces Trulia Acquisition

Two of America's third party real estate portals have entered into a definitive agreement for Zillow (Z) to purchase Trulia (TRLA) for $3.5 billion in stock-for-stock trade. The Board of Directors of both companies have agreed to the transaction which represents a 25 percent premium to Trulia Stockholders, based on Trulia's closing price on Friday, July 25, 2014. The transaction will now face regulatory approval. Goldman, Sachs & Co. brokered the transaction. Trulia CEO Pete Flint will retain that title, join the Zillow Board of Directors along with one other designee, and will remain the leader of the business unit. He will report [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:24:02-07:00July 28th, 2014|Main category, MLS Insights, Press Releases|Comments Off on Zillow Announces Trulia Acquisition

Goomzee Growth

MLS Mobile is a highly competitive space. There are so many companies challenging for the lucrative contracts that I am afraid to list them all here. We get press releases sent to us almost every day about who has signed a contract with this MLS or this Mobile provider. One of the things that angers me when we get these press releases is that many of them are renewals. I am not sure what is press worthy of a renewal – but that is another story for another day. Goomzee announced this week the addition of a bunch of new MLS [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:24:02-07:00July 24th, 2014|Marketing, MLS Insights, Technology Evaluation|Comments Off on Goomzee Growth

MLSs Important to Your Business? Don’t Miss out on CMLS 2014!

For those of you that believe relationships with MLSs are important either for distribution partnerships or data access, I would HIGHLY recommend that you attend and exhibit at the upcoming CMLS 2014 Conference in Huntington Beach, CA from September 24th to 27th, 2014.  I served on the board of the Council of MLS previously and I can tell you that is it THE single best way to build relationships with leading MLSs, bar none. It is an intimate conference focused exclusively on MLS issues so it is a great place to build relationships with the movers and shakers of the [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:24:02-07:00July 24th, 2014|Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on MLSs Important to Your Business? Don’t Miss out on CMLS 2014!

WAV Group 2014 Road Map to Listing Syndication

 Listing syndication to online portals is in the throws of a revolution in real estate today. Listing syndication has followed a philosophical pattern first envisioned by the German philosopher G.W.F. Hagel in his triadic process - thesis, antithesis, and then synthesis. This paper will walk though the first two phases of the process, discussing the evolution of the original thesis of listing syndication followed by the new roots of today's chaotic antithesis. The industry is developing a plethora of new models to transmit listings for online advertising at a pace that is eroding the effectiveness of the process in a [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:24:03-07:00July 22nd, 2014|Broker Technology Research, MLS Insights, Our Services, Strategic Planning|Comments Off on WAV Group 2014 Road Map to Listing Syndication

RESO Releases Data Dictionary v1.3

 Last week, the Real Estate Standards Organization released the latest Data Dictionary version 1.3 for industry consumption and adoption. Like all RESO releases, this is important as it should trigger you and your vendors to make data base modifications to come into compliance with this latest database naming convention. There are a lot of changes. Real Estate agents and brokers pay handsome fees to vendors who take disparate data sets from MLSs and map them to their application. It is one of the biggest challenges to offering services. Our industry has fallen well behind in adopting these standards and it [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:24:03-07:00July 22nd, 2014|Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on RESO Releases Data Dictionary v1.3

Consulting Minds Think Alike

On the eve of publishing a WAV Group paper on listing syndication, consulting firm Clareity Consulting published a paper on the same topic days ahead of us. They did a great job on their paper and Victor Lund considered delaying or eliminating the WAV Group paper from publication. But a read of both papers is probably healthy for today’s real estate brokers, MLSs, and publishers. Clearly, listing syndication remains an abrasive business struggle in real estate. Both Clareity and WAV Group address syndication issues with clients every day – which is certainly what prompted both firms to independently publish papers [...]

Broker Owned Portal

I have had a lot of interesting conversations with Associations of REALTORS, Broker groups, MLSs and REALTORS about portals. The same conversation has gone on for years. Used properly, they can be productive tools for online marketing. Used poorly, they can be a problem. A chief concern among brokers is that they do not participate in the revenue from the success that portals have. Simply stated, brokers understand that content has value and they recognize that others are realizing that value on the backs of their data assets. Feel free to agree or disagree. Real estate brokers around the world [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:24:04-07:00June 24th, 2014|Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights, Press Releases|Comments Off on Broker Owned Portal

Building Support Into Your Software

Technology companies are constantly battling usability in real estate. Among our user ranks, we find a great human challenge – the 55-year-old real estate professional. This is the customer. There are some firms that do it right, and others that do it wrong. I recently saw a great example of software done right, and it is worth sharing. The example illustrates how you can improve software usability by putting help options immediately next to software fields and button functionality to explain them to the user. One of the most difficult software solutions for usability in real estate is the listing [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:24:05-07:00June 24th, 2014|Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Building Support Into Your Software

Top 5 Articles of the Week

WAV Group partners, Mike Audet, Marilyn Wilson, and Victor Lund are founders of RE Technology and Today that site reaches 750,000 real estate agents and brokers through partnerships with more than 90 MLSs who deliver subscriptions to RE Technology as a member benefit. Each week, RE Technology publishes a notification to MLSs that lists the top 5 most heavily viewed articles of the week. This list goes out to our MLS partners who may, in turn, republish the articles in their own newsletter, blog, or develop content ideas for their training or communications programs. Below is the RE Technology [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:24:05-07:00June 24th, 2014|Broker Technology Research, Main category, Marketing, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Top 5 Articles of the Week

Move, Inc. Combats Attack on its Website Services To Restore Operations to Customers and Consumers

SAN JOSE, Calif., June 19, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Move, Inc., (NASDAQ:MOVE), a leading provider of online real estate services, reports that it is continuing to combat the distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, which has interrupted its websites' operations since it began mid-day June 17. Move's technical team is working around-the-clock with the Prolexic division of Akamai Technologies, Inc., a leading DDoS mitigation service provider; other Internet security experts; and its network service providers to mitigate the attack and quickly restore operations. In connection with the attack, Move received a ransom demand, which it did not respond to. DDoS attacks [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:24:05-07:00June 20th, 2014|Main category, MLS Insights, Press Releases|Comments Off on Move, Inc. Combats Attack on its Website Services To Restore Operations to Customers and Consumers