Your Elected Friend

MLS and Association leadership brings forth an unusual ‘changing of friends’ on an annual basis. It is in the spring of each year that we begin to see these friendships take hold as CEOs arrive at NAR Midyear with their new Board Chairman in tow. It is all part of an important synthesis that takes place in our industry – one that often goes unappreciated. For five or more weeks each year, CEOs are on the road with their Chairman, building a friendship that is pivotal to a successful year, and in some cases, lasting a lifetime. WAV Group strategic [...]

LoopNet chases dotloop into Court

LoopNet and dotloop are to appear in Los Angles court on Monday, July 22ed to settle their differences around the use of the word Loop. LoopNet has a registered trademark and claims that they are the sole user and owner of trademarks containing the term Loop. In the answer to the complaint, dotloop admits that the company was founded as MLS Contracts in 2008 and that its name was changed to dotloop in 2009. The company filed for a trademark registration for dotloop in September 2011, an action that LoopNet claims they opposed at that time. Registered trademarks are managed [...]

How to Succeed with eCommerce

Many MLSs are now considering offering additional products and service to their members. MLS leaders like MRIS, Metrolist and IRES have made forays into the eCommerce space and are leading the industry to figure out the best methods and promotional paths to success with eCommerce. While the concept of generating more revenue per member is an attractive concept, it is not nearly as easy as one might think. The most successful programs are borne out of constant offer, copy and pricing testing.  Like every eCommerce site online today, customers don’t simply show up and push the “buy now” button. They [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:24:36-07:00May 8th, 2013|Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on How to Succeed with eCommerce

Real Estate Mobile – Who Will Change the Paradigm?

I love mobile technology and I have really been enjoying watching the advent of some very cool products finally become real in our industry. We have been talking about it for years and today, finally, there are some excellent mobile tools on the market. Make no mistake, though, mobile is still in the baby step phase in my opinion and we are going to see some big advances in the coming years. Mobile, after all, is destined to become the norm rather than the add on, so rather than just catching up to our MLS desktop tools it will pass [...]

Join Lauren Hansen and Marilyn Wilson to learn about- How to Increase Your Chances of Success with eCommerce

Many MLSs are now considering offering additional products and services to their members. Come to the RE Technology webinar on Wednesday, May 8th at 11:00 am and learn how to increase your chances of non-dues revenue success with eCommerce. Learn from Lauren Hansen, CEO of IRES MLS, one of the first MLSs to offer eCommerce who will share her early experiences with eCommerce. Also, get a peek at RE Technology's affordable solutions for eCommerce. Click here to register now! At this session you will learn: What the fundamentals of eCommerce are and what does it take to be profitable Discuss [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:24:37-07:00May 6th, 2013|Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Join Lauren Hansen and Marilyn Wilson to learn about- How to Increase Your Chances of Success with eCommerce

CRS and iMapp merge strategies

WAV Group was provided with an announcement today that may be of interest to current iMapp customers, current CRS customers, or anyone looking for tax services. CRS and iMapp have entered into a strategic agreement that has CRS focused on tax systems and iMapp focused on advertising revenue. The companies will remain separate corporations, but align themselves to serve their customers in a way that leverages assets and capabilities of both companies. Tax systems used by professionals in real estate are very important, and very different from simple access to tax data that may be available in a variety of [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:24:37-07:00April 24th, 2013|Main category, MLS Insights, Press Releases|Comments Off on CRS and iMapp merge strategies

It is all about schools

The most active group of home buyers in sellers in America have one thing in common - school age children.  Traditionally, real estate has ducked the consumer by avoiding the laborious and somewhat liability producing task of informing consumers about schools. Our industry has largely taken the stance that if a consumer wants to know about schools, they will provide the phone number to the school district. Good luck with that. This is not true of all brokers or MLSs. Some have invested heavily in procuring the most accurate school data available. You will often find the information somewhere down below the [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:24:38-07:00April 23rd, 2013|Broker Technology Research, Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on It is all about schools

Tips on Choosing the Right Mobile Solution For Your MLS

For years now our industry has talked about how mobile devices will soon be the primary device used by agents in their day-to-day business.   We have been waiting for our MLS vendors to introduce cutting edge mobile products that would allow this vision of our future to become real.  Advances in mobile are coming, however, not all MLS vendors have kept pace  There has been progress and some solutions are better than others but the reality is, because MLS vendors were slow to provide really compelling mobile solutions, 3rd party mobile vendors saw an opportunity and filled the void.  It [...]

Managing MLS Channel Conflict

On the business-to-business side of real estate, there are entities that cooperate with one another that also compete with one another. A common term for this in modern business management is a neologism called coopetition. Brokers competing against each other participate together in the MLS to share information and offer of compensation; and may be related to the same franchise. Agents who compete with each other participate in Associations of REALTORS and are often members of the same brokerage or franchise. Associations who compete with each other sometimes cooperate in offering MLS services. Within this system of collaboration, there are [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:24:38-07:00April 11th, 2013|Main category, MLS Insights, Our Services, Strategic Planning|Comments Off on Managing MLS Channel Conflict

When disaster strikes your online software systems

Over Easter weekend, an outage happened to the largest real estate technology company in America. They recovered quickly and elegantly. On another side of life, a broker client of ours with 400 agents was given one-week notice that the company who provided Microsoft Exchange Mail services is going out of business. The realty is that software systems and hardware systems break. And when it happens, it is very disruptive. It is a good idea to think about your disaster plan every year, and review your vendor contracts. You should have a document that outlines everything that happens when systems fail. [...]

NAR REach Program announces 6 companies joining accelerator

For those of you who do not know, there is a derivative initiative of NAR's Second Century Ventrures venture capital fund called REach. The REach program has a grand board of advisors, and a board of mentors. The program requests submissions from companies who are looking to enter the real estate industry. If selected, the REach programs provides support and advisory services to these businesses so that they hit the ground running with some industry awareness. Here are the top 6 BombBomb - Provides a complete e-mail and video marketing platform for developing, sending and tracking results of traditional and video e-mail [...]

Managing Your Training Department

Training, support, and customer service are key features to any organization in real estate. Although these are three separate functions in large organizations, they typically are handled by one or two departments in most real estate organizations. For the purpose of this article, we will discuss this as one department, Training. WAV Group encourages the discipline of measuring satisfaction with the training department whenever a real estate organization performs focus groups, telephone interviews, or user surveys. Frequently the primary reason for dissatisfaction with a product or service is grounded in some part by poor training. Real estate is an adult [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:24:39-07:00March 23rd, 2013|Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights, Our Services, Reports|Comments Off on Managing Your Training Department