PWR Launches 10K Reports

The Minneapolis Association of REALTORS developed a company called 10K a few years ago. The mission of the company is to offer REALTORS outstanding market analytic reports. They have been canvasing the country offering the product through MLSs and REALTOR Associations. Pacific West Association of REALTORS (PWR) is a large and recent new customer for 10K. WAV Group had a Q&A session with Lalaine Castillo, PWR VP Marketing and Communications to understand the strategy behind their vendor selection. Question:What differentiated 10K from other stats vendors? Answer:10k understands the business of REALTOR associations and our members,  having deployed similar solutions for [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:02-07:00May 13th, 2012|How to Make Strategic Planning Really Work in your MLS, Main category, Marketing, MLS Insights|Comments Off on PWR Launches 10K Reports

Syndicator Trademarks MLS Brand

Point2 announced the granting of a US Trademark for "MLS Certified™". This comes at a rather interesting time. The Council of MLS is in the midst of doing some branding of its own, but has not announced or launched the program yet. It is on the agenda for the meetings next week in Washington DC. At the last Council of MLS meeting on this topic last year, there were numerous ideas discussed about branding MLS data. offered their ideas, Point2 offered theirs, and Trulia offered theirs. They were all very interesting, but none captured the enthusiasm of the CMLS members. [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:02-07:00May 11th, 2012|Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Syndicator Trademarks MLS Brand

RPR “Best Practices” Case Studies – Keys To Adoption

Every MLS and Broker in the country knows how difficult it is to successfully roll out new products to REALTORS®.  There are so many technology options out there and it’s so difficult to get a busy agent’s attention. It’s even more difficult to convince them to try out a new service that may help project a more professional image when they are in the throes of trying to conduct business. WAV Group has watched Realtor Property Resource® (RPR®) with interest as more and more MLSs and Associations have signed up for this service. From its early beginnings, the product has [...]

Onboard Targets ListHub Reports with New Product

In a press release found below, Onboard announced the launch of Listings 360 insight Advisor. This product is a reporting solution like Listhub Reports, and FREE!  However, Listings 360 does not include syndication at this time. The first customer in line to release the product is Chicago multiple listing service provider, Midwest Real Estate Data (MRED). Connecticut MLS (CTMLS) and Metropolitan Regional MLS (MRIS) have also licensed the solution for their subscribers. WAV Group spoke to MRED CEO, Russ Bergeron to understand the strategy behind the launch. Bergeron indicated that MRED likes to offer more than one product option when [...]

Keys to RPR Adoption Case Studies Released Today

WAV Group provides consulting services to MLSs and Associations to develop strategies and plans for business success. Today, WAV Group is introducing a series of Case Studies developed for NAR’s REALTOR® Property Resource or RPR®. These Case Studies outline best practices for driving adoption of RPR as a REALTOR® benefit. WAV Group developed these best practices by evaluating RPR  “power users” and “power promoters” of the software. Download MLS Case Study.  WAV Group has followed the introduction and rollout of REALTOR® Property Resource (RPR) closely since it was officially introduced and then launched in September 2010.  In previous papers, WAV Group [...]

Attention MLS Boards – Are You Using All of the Services Provided by Your MLS?

At WAV Group, we conduct strategic planning sessions for many of the nation’s largest MLSs. As part of our due diligence we conduct in-depth interviews with many leading brokers and MLS Board members.  During these interviews, many tell us how they appreciate the depth and scope of services offered by their MLS. There’s a problem though…many of those we interview have not used the services offered by their local MLS.  In some cases, they are not even familiar with the services being offered. These board members haven’t taken the time to learn about each of the services offered by their [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:04-07:00May 7th, 2012|How to Make Strategic Planning Really Work in your MLS, Main category, MLS Insights, Our Services, Strategic Planning|Comments Off on Attention MLS Boards – Are You Using All of the Services Provided by Your MLS?

CRMLS Partners With for Full Offering

Today’s real estate technology companies are partnering with MLSs at an unprecedented rate. This trend is brought about by natural gravity. The MLS is the primary source of fundamental technology for real estate professionals. WAV Group is beginning to see a number of MLSs pursuing a variety of strategies for offering non-core MLS services. Historically, MLSs only pursued site licenses for technology for their members, paying a price per member per month. This trend expanded as emerging products like Listhub, Property Panorama, and Listingbook began to offer Freemium services, where the MLS offered a free basic version of the product, [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:04-07:00May 3rd, 2012|Broker Technology Research, Broker-Agent Information, Main category, Marketing, MLS Insights, Press Releases, Strategic Planning|Comments Off on CRMLS Partners With for Full Offering

Two Brokers Go YouTube on Syndicaiton

Listing Syndication has become one of the more polarizing business topics in the real estate industry. Everyone seems to have a view, and many groups are trying to figure out how to fix it. There is no doubt that some companies are benefiting from syndication, but most find only little or moderate success. We seem to be hitting an inflection point with syndication where a lot of change is about to happen - slowly I suspect - like all real estate trends. The Council of MLS published two surveys this week - one for consumers and another for professionals. They are [...]

Explaining an MLS App Store

I am not sure if anyone is allowed to use Apple's famous App Store name, but lets suffice it to say that the term App Store is familiar to most - so lets use that anyway. The key components of an App Store are Instant delivery, Platform Specific, eCommerce enabled. This is really important to understand because FBS truly is launching the first real MLS App Store. This is different from the RE Technology Success Store, which we call an App Store, but it is really an eCommerce solution. Let me explain: Instant Installation The key component of [...]

Are People Really Resistant to Change?

I had the pleasure of speaking at the Broker Summit put on by the Michigan Association of REALTORSâ this week in Detroit, Michigan.  The topic I was asked to speak on was the “Future of Real Estate”, just a small topic right?  But this was really a fun topic because it gave me an opportunity to talk about some significant changes I have witnessed over the years impacting our industry, like the change in the broker/agent relationship, changes in technology and the changing role of the consumer and what these changes mean for our future.  In this post I don’t [...]


Denver, CO – Metrolist® announced that Kirby Slunaker has been appointed as President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) effective March 13, 2012. “In Kirby, we have chosen a seasoned business leader to continue our transition as a high quality service-oriented organization serving Colorado Realtors®,” stated James T. Wanzeck, Metrolist Board Chairman.  “Kirby has deep experience in transforming and leading top companies, such as VISA USA, eBags, FedEx, MDC Holdings, and, most recently, Pendum LLC.  With an executive of this caliber, we’re extremely well positioned to take the company to a new level.” Slunaker was chosen as interim Chief Operating Officer (COO) [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:05-07:00April 27th, 2012|Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights, Press Releases|Comments Off on METROLIST NAMES SLUNAKER AS PRESIDENT & CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

Top Articles from Last Week on RE Technology

RE Technology is now providing communication support to more than 70 MLSs. The site allows the MLS and Association to deliver engaging technology learning for their members. If you have not considered offering RE Technology in your market, give us a call or lets schedule a meeting at Mid-Year. It is easy to launch and is completely free. If you do not already have an account, we would be happy to create a complimentary account for you. Just email TOP 5 AGENT & BROKER ARTICLES OF THE WEEK! RE Technology wants to supports our MLS partners by highlighting articles [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:05-07:00April 27th, 2012|Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Top Articles from Last Week on RE Technology