LPS Announces Release of Paragon 5

In the following press release,  LPS announces it has released the new Paragon 5 interface for its 200+ accounts, noting a number of new features including PC and Mac compatibility with cross browser access including Internet Explore, Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera.  Other notable upgrades include overall system multitasking and improved contact and client collaboration tools. PRESS RELEASE LPS REAL ESTATE GROUP GREATLY EXPANDS MLS SOFTWARE CAPABILITIES WITH COMPLETION OF PARAGON 5 MLS PHASED RELEASE Enhancements to MLS platform include cross-browser capability, multitasking options, improved CMA functionality and New Client Connect module. JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - (March 7, 2011) - LPS [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:47-07:00March 8th, 2011|Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on LPS Announces Release of Paragon 5

The next horizon for real estate websites

Whats next for real estate? Back in the olden days, just after the MLS book lost its appeal and was replaced by the MLS - a rather interesting new product launched for agent and broker websites called IDX - internet data exchange. The idea behind it was that broker participants of an MLS could display the listings of other participating brokers on each other’s websites. This led to an explosion of broker websites. Everyone has one. After awhile, democratically minded MLS boards gave consideration to the agents and extended IDX privileges to them in most markets, as long as the [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:50-07:00March 4th, 2011|Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on The next horizon for real estate websites

Regional MLS in Florida Looking For New Executive Leadership

The Regional MLS  (RMLS), located in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida provides comprehensive MLS services to over 11,000 members.  RMLS is owned by three shareholder associations, the Realtors® Association of the Palm Beaches, the Jupiter Tequesta Hobe Sound Association of Realtors® INC and the Realtors® Association of St. Lucie.   RMLS is currently interviewing candidates for the position of Executive Vice President/GM.  Located in the beautiful Palm Beach Gardens area, RMLS is a growing, forward thinking organization, with a full array of technology products and subscriber services. RMLS is looking for a new Executive Vice President/General Manager with the vision and industry [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:50-07:00March 1st, 2011|Main category, MLS Insights, Press Releases|Comments Off on Regional MLS in Florida Looking For New Executive Leadership

Looking to build your MLS Brand Recognition? Try driving it around town!

In much of the research we conduct on behalf of MLSs we see a disturbing, but consistent trend. Many agents are not aware of their MLS or the services they provide for them. When asked who owns the MLS, we often hear “some third party company", “my association” or in many cases “I don’t know".  Many agents have more brand recognition of their MLS system itself,  than they do of the MLS organization. Here’s a few tips to think about how to dial up your brand recognition with both agents and consumers. MRIS, the largest MLS in the country located [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:51-07:00February 21st, 2011|Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Looking to build your MLS Brand Recognition? Try driving it around town!

Midwest Real Estate Data LLC (MRED) launches Cloud CMA

The following press release from Midwest Real Estate Data, LLC announces they are now offering Cloud CMA to their 40,000+ members.  Cloud CMA allows user to blend data from multiple sites such asGoogle, Zillow, education.com, Walk Score, and Yelp to create customized presentations.  Cloud CMA is web based so it can be launched from any computer or mobile device with web access. Midwest Real Estate Data LLC (MRED) launches Cloud CMA LISLE (February 16, 2011) - Midwest Real Estate Data LLC (MRED) has announced that W&R Studios’ Cloud CMA product is now live and fully integrated with its connectMLSTMsystem.  All [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:51-07:00February 17th, 2011|Broker Technology Research, Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Midwest Real Estate Data LLC (MRED) launches Cloud CMA

GSEs NAR Profit and Welfare

What happens next in the financial markets of the mortgage industry is up in the air. Our current system is a failure when markets go down. It cripples our industry, the financial markets, and millions of consumers. The National Association of REALTORS released their reform recommendations. As one of the chief lobbying groups in Washington DC, you can bet that government is listening. They highlight the issues. Government Sponsored Entities are problematic. Anytime you have an artificial business that shares profits when times are good, and gets bailed out by taxpayers when times are bad - risk of collapse is high. [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:51-07:00February 17th, 2011|Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on GSEs NAR Profit and Welfare

Check Out The New ARMLS Blog!

We wanted to give our friends at ARMLS a congratulations on their new BLOG that was recently announced.  Over 3,000 very smart people already like it, check it out.  ARMLSBLOG.com is  the official blog of Arizona Regional Multiple Listing Service. The blog is focused on real estate, technology and all things MLS.  In one of their first posts they talk about the importance of honesty in statisical reporting countering the argument that statistics create negative trends in real estate.  Quite the contrary as explained in STAT, PPI and the Truth.  Great to see from our friends at ARMLS.  Great job!

By |2018-05-03T21:25:51-07:00February 16th, 2011|Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Check Out The New ARMLS Blog!

Yardi takes over listing syndication of California Regional MLS

CRMLS, formerly MRMLS and participant in the Los Angles Data Sharing initiative “CARETS” has announced a partnership with Yardi Systems division, Point2. Under the partnership, Point2 will syndicate CRMLS lsitings on behalf of all 23 member associations and their 26,000 agent members. Point2 has indicated that they syndicate to 60 web portals. WAV Group favors listing syndication when done properly, and both Yardi(Point2) and Move (Listhub) are looking to clean up many of the issues that have not been addressed since the practice was first deployed by Threewide (Listhub). Syndication solves a real issue by removing the challenges to getting [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:51-07:00February 16th, 2011|Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Yardi takes over listing syndication of California Regional MLS

Come join me at the 4th Annual AFIRE Conference

Many of you have probably heard me “gushing” over the years about the AFIRE Conference.  AFIRE or Awesome Females in Real Estate is a one of a kind conference for female executives in the real estate industry.  They say it’s “lonely at the top". This conference provides executives and business owners with a safe place to talk about the issues they are facing in their businesses without their staffs or boards in the room.  I have forged some of my closest relationships in the business at this conference. I have been honored to spend time with some of the most [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:52-07:00February 16th, 2011|Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Come join me at the 4th Annual AFIRE Conference

CoreLogic’s Infonet tops 140,000 participants

According to a press release released today, CoreLogic’s Infonet program now has agreements in place to serve over 140,000 participants throughout the United States. Today they announced that five multiple listing services (MLSs), representing more than 19,000 real estate professionals, have joined the Partner InfoNet revenue-sharing program. The new agreements include the program’s first in Florida and bring the total number of real estate professionals who are participating in Partner InfoNet to more than 140,000 and more than 400,000 listings. The new MLSs are: Regional MLS, Inc. of Palm Beach; North Carolina’s Fayetteville Association of Realtors, Inc.; Central Virginia Regional [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:52-07:00February 15th, 2011|Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on CoreLogic’s Infonet tops 140,000 participants

Indexing is Scraping – Here is the Proof

I constantly find myself in arguments/debates about indexing vs. scraping of real estate listings from websites. Despite my blue face, the debate goes on. In an effort to provide evidence that indexing is scraping, I have created this summary and video that will provide evidence of my case. The importance of this discussion is to key into two conflicting issues related to MLS rules and regulations. Specifically, the MLS rules and regulations for IDX websites indicate that the website must try to prevent scraping, but indexing by recognized search engines is ok. I say potato, potato. They are the same [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:52-07:00February 12th, 2011|Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Indexing is Scraping – Here is the Proof

Buyer Search Feature in MLS Systems

MLS systems have had buyer-servicing portals for years. An agent configures a buyers search criteria, and the buyers representative and buyer are notified whenever a listing matches their search criteria. The system is elegant, informative and works perfectly. But there is a new feature trying to put down roots in this ecosystem that may introduce interesting results an enhanced buyer registration feature of the MLS. Many agents go to Tour Meetings and Office Meetings where they talk about buyer needs all in hopes of finding an agent with a listing. Curious really, since all of the listings are in the [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:52-07:00February 9th, 2011|Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Buyer Search Feature in MLS Systems