Palm gives up and posts For Sale Sign – Lenovo suspected buyer

For sale: Slightly used, slightly abused, completely iconic mobile phone brand. Real fixer-upper, tons of potential. Yes, in a move that has been suspected by fans of the brand for some time now, Palm has put itself up for acquisition. The move comes after recent sales numbers for Palm’s Pixi and Pre units disappointed already low expectations, making the company’s independent survival all but impossible. Existing mobile brands HTC and Lenovo are rumored to be interested. Some question the wisdom of HTC buying the brand, as Palm’s operating system, WebOS, would clash with HTC’s Android system. But Lenovo? A purchase [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:10-07:00April 13th, 2010|Broker Technology Research, Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Palm gives up and posts For Sale Sign – Lenovo suspected buyer

Who is your company’s CSO?

In real estate, we love our letters.  CSO is Chief Social Officer.  Hence the question begins; who is your company’s designee that owns your social media strategy? As we look back over the past few years, social media evolved slowly.  Most corporations started with the tactic of outlawing Social media by employees.  After all, like personal cell phone usage, it was viewed as a distraction from the work at hand.  Now things have evolved, and progressive organizations have learned that social networking by employees (if done correctly) enhances the company’s brand and strengthens relationships with customers. The challenge is to [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:10-07:00April 13th, 2010|Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Who is your company’s CSO?

Smarter Agent to sue Zillow, Trulia and others

Smarter Agent, provider of mobile search services for the real estate industry filed a law suit on March 26, 2010 in Delaware District Court to sue the following companies for infringement of their patent 35:271. Boopsie Inc. Classified Ventures LLC Hotpads Inc. IDX Inc. Move Inc. RealSelect Inc. Primedia Inc. Consumer Source Inc. Trulia Inc. Zillow Inc. ZipRealty Inc. Multifamily Technology Solutions Inc. dba MyNewPlace TRSoft Inc. dba Planetre […]


It was reported today in Overseas Property Professionals that a group consisting of Immobel, NAR, FECEPAC and others are collaborating on a project to create an international MLS system for Central America. LANDMARK DEAL CREATES INTERNATIONAL MLS FECEPAC, Immobel, NAR, FNAIM, Central America, Caribbean, MLS, portals, Google, Enormo, ICREA, Worldproperties, A landmark agreement is to create an international multiple listing system (MLS) for Central America, bringing the concept of a genuinely global listings exchange a step closer. Through a deal with real estate technology provider Immobel, the Central American and Caribbean real estate association, FECEPAC will make its members property [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:12-07:00March 14th, 2010|Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on LANDMARK DEAL CREATES INTERNATIONAL MLS

Will Move follow Pandora to success

Move Inc, the operators of and a list of many quality products and services to the real estate industry has had a rough ride.  In total, they have lost over $2 Billion dollars in their history, and were profitable for two years.  On the surface, this sounds like pretty poor performance, but nothing could be further from the truth.  They have accomplished some outstanding milestones and could be close to hitting a home run.  All of the ingredients are in place.  They have the largest consumer audience with strong advertiser support, the most data, and significant agent/broker sales revenue. Music streaming company Pandora faced [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:13-07:00March 10th, 2010|Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Will Move follow Pandora to success

Its not about the MLS system

MLS of Choice has been with us for a while now, but has not created any landscape changes in the MLS industry. WAV Group has had the opportunity to observe the behavior of agents in two divergent situations in California.  CARETS and CalREDD. Hypothesis:  Agents don’t care about the MLS system.  They care about selling homes, the service they get from their MLS, and the relationships they have with the organizations offering them services. Case 1 - CARETS Data Share - 100,000 agents in the Los Angles and points south now can freely choose from a variety of REALTOR Associations [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:13-07:00March 3rd, 2010|Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Its not about the MLS system

Lookout Facebook, here come the Boomers

If you are running an MLS, REALTOR Association, or real estate brokerage, you need to begin to read the Inside Facebook Blog.  It will allow you to keep up with trends so that you can consider your company’s Facebook strategy moving forward. Today, the average Facebook user is 26.  But that is rapidly changing and moving in the direction of the core audience for Real Estate.  According to Inside Facebook, the fastest growing user group is women over 55 (up 175% since Q4 of 2009).    Of course, where the women go, the men will thankfully follow:-)  The second fastest [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:13-07:00March 1st, 2010|Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Lookout Facebook, here come the Boomers

Disneyland and MLS

A few weeks ago we took an RE Technology staff member to Disneyland for her birthday.  She is in her 30s and had never been.  We all had a blast, even in the cold and the rain. As a consultant and entrepreneur, I take note of excellence.  Everything we touched and everywhere we went, and everybody we encountered from Disney was excellent.  The trip to Disneyland was as much about learning how to provide awesome service as it was about celebrating a team member’s birthday.  I am sure that there are a thousand books about doing business the “Disney Way,” [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:13-07:00February 28th, 2010|Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Disneyland and MLS

Who will tie the data together in the MLS world?

If you have worked in the MLS world as long as I have you know how many moving parts there are in terms of technology to run the organization effectively.  With the creation of RETS, the so called “standard", the use of multiple modules to provide services has increased even more.  What has been obvious to me for many years looking at the industry’s technology, however, is that no one has done a good job of pulling all of the important data points together for the MLSs so they can run their organizations more effectively. Today, MLS systems do a [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:14-07:00February 24th, 2010|Broker Technology Research, Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights, Our Company, Twitter for Real Estate, Virtual Office Website Series|Comments Off on Who will tie the data together in the MLS world?

Can an MLS provide data to third parties without broker consent

The law offices of Larson/Sobotka have written a very good article on their blog about the NAR policy that limits the actions of an MLS to redistribute or repurpose broker (participant) data without the consent of the broker.   Larson writes: “If your MLS is affiliated with NAR and subject to NAR policy, it is bound by NAR Statement of MLS Policy 7.85: Use of listings and listing information by MLSs for purposes other than the defined purposes of MLS requires participants consent. Such consent cannot be required as a condition of obtaining or maintaining MLS participatory rights. MLSs may presume such [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:14-07:00February 10th, 2010|Main category, MLS Insights, Strategic Planning|Comments Off on Can an MLS provide data to third parties without broker consent

More Great Questions on RPR for MLSs!

Brian Larson commented on another set of great questions yesterday from John Rees on MLS Tesseract, that John posted on his Strategic MLS blog that look at legal considerations to consider when evaluating the RPR opportunity. We encourage all MLSs to read John’s questions and to include them in their discussions and evaluations. Click to see the entire  article from John Rees Another question that came up as a result of my RPR Report from Ron Stephen, Executive Vice President of RealtyWEB.NET MLS in Jacksonville, FL was the potential impact RPR […]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:15-07:00February 2nd, 2010|Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on More Great Questions on RPR for MLSs!

RPR – To Join or Not to Join is Not the Only Question!

Since the announcement made by NAR on the formation of RPR and their public rollout at the NAR conference in San Diego, RPR and their proposed business model has been a major topic of conversation in MLSs across the U.S.  Some MLSs seem to think this is an idea long overdue while others have expressed “no interest” while most seem to be somewhere in between with a “wait and see” attitude. c planning session we facilitated for a major MLS the topic of RPR participation was, of course, discussed.  Our approach to the discussion, as with any business issue, is [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:15-07:00February 1st, 2010|Broker Technology Research, Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights, Product Management, Reports, Sales Advisory, Suveys and Research, Technology Evaluation|Comments Off on RPR – To Join or Not to Join is Not the Only Question!