MRIS and MRED to launch RE Technology product portal

In a move to facilitate quality product information about real estate software and services to thier subscribers, MRIS and MRED have selected the portal solution from RE Technology.  By offering the RE Technology portal to thier subscribers, MRIS and MRED will allow thier members to gain access to product vendors by category, product reviews, user product ratings and product comparisons all in one location. Technology vendors are invited to submit thier products for display in the portal by   installed into MLS systems allowing agents and brokers to gain access to information, reviews and product ratings of real estate [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:23-07:00August 13th, 2009|Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on MRIS and MRED to launch RE Technology product portal

Big turn around at Move

In 2008, Move, Inc reported $61.4 Million in sales and reported a net loss of $2.1 Million.  This year, under the strong leadership of former CEO Steve Berkowitz - Move, Inc is now posting $3.2 Million in profit in the second quarter of 2009 against lower revenues of $54.6 Million.  Sales are down, but profits are up! “During the quarter, we continued to make solid progress toward both our short term business objectives and our long term growth strategy,” said Steve Berkowitz, Move’s CEO. “While we remain focused on improving the financial and operational performance across our product lines [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:23-07:00August 10th, 2009|Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Big turn around at Move

Google launches real estate search portal

Google has expanded their search strategy by adding in a new search option: Real Estate. As you may recall, Google first launched their property search solution by placing a quick search bar above the search results for key words like 'san francisco real estate.'  That search functionality was always demarked with the term 'beta' and now seems to have gone away.  We suspect that it may have deminished advertising revenues.  Here is a video demonstrating Google's new strategy.  Map based search and natural language search seem to be providing better results than typical form based searches - something to keep [...]

By |2009-08-10T16:42:11-07:00August 10th, 2009|Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Google launches real estate search portal

California Association of REALTORS launches Mobile Products Company

At noon today, Real Estate Business Solutions (REBS) announced a partnership with Seek Mobile to form a new company called Real Estate Mobile Technologies.  The new company will develop consumer and REALTOR mobile applications. REBS, a subsidary of the California Association of REALTORS will be the majority shareholder of the new corporation, and the current applications like MyCAR will be rolled into the new company according to CEO, Alan Arora.  

By |2009-08-04T16:37:54-07:00August 4th, 2009|Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on California Association of REALTORS launches Mobile Products Company

WAV Group Releases Edutizing for Real Estate White Paper

The Advertising Age has Ended, the Edutizing Era has Begun Consumers simply do not want to be “sold” anymore. They have become cynical about advertising claims and “its all about me” advertising. They dont want to hear an agents claims of greatness. They want to understand what you can do for them. They want to know that your claims are backed up by legitimate experience and insights you can bring to them. They want you to prove why you are the best agent or broker for them.  Simply making promises of greatness is not enough to attract consumers anymore. Customers [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:23-07:00July 24th, 2009|Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on WAV Group Releases Edutizing for Real Estate White Paper

ESPN wins where real estate portals fail

There was significant debate about the concept of Localism in Real Estate on the heals of our whitepaper on the topic.  The paper pointed out that a web strategy that links together hyperlocal websites with a central hub site will draw more traffic than a mega-portal.  Not content with being a sports colossus with broadcasts in 200 countries, ESPN is taking aim at hometown sports coverage, threatening one of the last strongholds of local newspapers and television stations.  And it is working! After a promising test run in Chicago, ESPN is adding local offshoots to three more cities. On Monday, ESPN, which [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:23-07:00July 20th, 2009|Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on ESPN wins where real estate portals fail

Google Voice for Real Estate

Reprint:Updates to Google Voice By DAVID POGUE It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of Google Voice. To refresh your memory, I quote myself: “Google Voice began life in 2005 as something called GrandCentral. It was intended to solve the headaches of having more than one phone number (home, work, cellphone and so on). GrandCentral’s grand solution was to offer you a new, single, unified phone number, in an area code of your choice. Whenever somebody dialed your new uni-number, all of your phones rang at once. (perfect for real estate agents) Continue reading… “No longer did people have [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:24-07:00July 17th, 2009|Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Google Voice for Real Estate

CAR 2009 Homebuyer Survey Released

Increased affordability, low mortgage rates motivating home buyers, according to C.A.R.s “2009 Survey of California Home Buyers” Quick Facts: · Share of first-time buyers rose to 38 percent in 2009, compared with 19 percent in 2008 · Forty-nine percent of all buyers purchased a home through a traditional market sale · Eighty-eight percent of traditional market sales were financed through fixed-rate mortgagesLOS ANGELES (July 7) Favorable home prices, record-low interest rates, and the belief that rates will rise in the near future were the primary motivators leading home buyers to purchase in 2009 compared with last year, according to the [...]

By |2009-07-09T16:12:43-07:00July 9th, 2009|Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on CAR 2009 Homebuyer Survey Released

MLS Vendor Accounts by Map

I have been chatting with Mike Sparr, CEO and Founder of Goomzee, thier Realty Connect product is among the premier providers of real estate text message marketing.  Mike is preparing some excellent research about MLS, and was kind enough to share a preview of some of his research.  Please enjoy this map below which details MLS vendor accounts across the United States.  It is very interesting to see the geographic preferences of one vendor over another - Fidelity and Rapattoni are very popular in the west but their number of accounts deteriorate as you move into the South East.  Marketlinx [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:24-07:00July 8th, 2009|Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on MLS Vendor Accounts by Map

Northern California MLS take Leadership role in supporting REALTORS

In a move to keep REALTORS in the center of the conversation between consumers and access to local and concise real estate property informaiton, Six Northern California Associations of REALTORS agree to offer Clarus Market Matrix as a member benefit. The member Associations of of BAREIS and SFAR offering the solution include Coastal Mendocino, Marin, North Bay, Northern Solano County, San Francisco and Solano Associaitons of Realtors.  In total, this agreement which pushes the customer count over 100,000 allows the California Association of REALTORS to count nearly 50% adoption of the Clarus product across the state. […]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:24-07:00July 7th, 2009|Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Northern California MLS take Leadership role in supporting REALTORS

six real estate strategic thoughts for the second half

Our end of the month client financial reviews were hopeful for the first time this year.  June seems like it turned out to be the best month of the year for brokers, and sales are ahead of cancellations for most of our technology clients.  Hip Hip Hooray! Nevertheless, this coming winter may be tougher than last winter, so build reserves.  We advise keeping these six covenents in mind as you plan the balance of your year. Hold Cash - Be sure to have enough cash on hand to cover cash flow shortfalls between November 2009 to March 2010. Continue to [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:26:24-07:00July 5th, 2009|Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on six real estate strategic thoughts for the second half

Housing Economic Summary from Jim Welsh

In Jim Welsh’s June newsletter he offered the following synopsis of where we are heading in real estate.  I hope that he is wrong, but nevertheless believe it valuable enough to republish his thoughts.  He is offering his opinion based upon some pretty credible data sources.  Be sure to read the entire report to understand why he feels that “The combination of higher unemployment and underemployment, along with another round of mortgage resets will lead to another wave of foreclosures. This next wave will increasingly impact the mid to upper end of the price range.” […]

By |2017-06-27T01:06:00-07:00July 1st, 2009|Broker-Agent Information, Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Housing Economic Summary from Jim Welsh