California Legislature Approved 4 New Bills to Support Building Millions of Units of Affordable Housing in Commercial Corridors

California, like many states, suffers from a lack of affordable housing. According to the California Department of Finance, the median price of a single-family home in May 2022 in California was $898,980, up a significant 1.6% over the previous month and an increase of nearly 10% over the same time last year. AB 2097, amounts to a statewide boost to residential and commercial development near public transit. The bill prohibits local municipalities from imposing any minimum car parking requirements for projects located within a half mile of metro, bus, or other transportation centers. AB 2221, incentivizes ADU(Accessible Dwelling Unit) construction by clarifying rules around “granny flats”. Under existing law, developers are allowed to add the units only to existing multifamily buildings. AB 2221 extends that allowance to proposed projects. It also clarifies local agencies’ timelines for approving ADU, or accessory dwelling units, projects and raises certain height limits, and other changes.

By |2022-09-01T07:42:45-07:00September 1st, 2022|Bills and Policies, Industry Observations, News|Comments Off on California Legislature Approved 4 New Bills to Support Building Millions of Units of Affordable Housing in Commercial Corridors

NCRMLS continues to expand: Now covers more than half of North Carolina

North Carolina Regional MLS has created an impressive and unique alternative to the data share models promoted by other MLSs. Through NCRMLS’s wholesale cooperative model, they have proliferated in North Carolina and now reach into southern Virginia with their latest announcement. What’s the big buzz? Jody Wainio, the current President of NCRMLS, explains the significant advantage of their wholesale cooperative model is that it brings everyone under one set of rules. It also ensures data integrity and fosters broker cooperation. But, most importantly, it eliminates duplicate MLS memberships and the accompanying fees. The data share models, Jody says, “can have [...]

By |2022-07-13T17:04:01-07:00July 13th, 2022|MLS, News, Press Releases|Comments Off on NCRMLS continues to expand: Now covers more than half of North Carolina

Announcing Mark A. McLaughlin Partnering with WAV Group

At WAV Group, we take great pride in selectively adding only seasoned and highly successful real estate veterans to our team to deepen the support and counsel we can provide. We consistently seek ways to enable our clients to achieve their dreams of highly differentiated brands that deliver relevance, growth, market share dominance and profitability. Mark A. McLaughlin delivers on all of those traits - and more.

By |2022-06-28T10:02:04-07:00June 28th, 2022|Announcements, News, Our Company, Press Releases|Comments Off on Announcing Mark A. McLaughlin Partnering with WAV Group

4 WAV Group Executives Named to RISMedia 2022 Real Estate Newsmaker List

Managing Partners Marilyn Wilson and Victor Lund  are joined by WAV Group Communications President, Kevin Hawkins and PR and Communication Strategist, Myra Jolivet in this year’s exclusive group of industry leaders who have made newsworthy contributions to the real estate industry.

By |2022-02-03T12:48:04-08:00February 3rd, 2022|Announcements, Associations, Communications and PR, MLS, News, Press Releases|Comments Off on 4 WAV Group Executives Named to RISMedia 2022 Real Estate Newsmaker List

Brokers Driving Revenue Using Homeownership Franchises

If you did not catch this release yesterday - it's worth a look if you are a broker, title company, or mortgage company. MooveGuru is one numerous companies who are developing services for homeownership that are provided by brokers, title companies, and mortgage companies to consumers.

By |2022-01-06T16:47:35-08:00January 7th, 2022|Broker Information, News, Press Releases|Comments Off on Brokers Driving Revenue Using Homeownership Franchises

Kathy Condon, President and CEO of MLS PIN Inducted into CMLS Hall of Fame

A humble customer servant; Kathy goes to the mat for her brokers everyday - driving home technology innovation and business-friendly policies, training and support. She is a joy to work with and has found a winning way for a privately-owned MLS to work productively with NAR policies and programs. So well-deserved! Hats off to you Kathy!

By |2021-09-21T14:38:39-07:00September 21st, 2021|Announcements, MLS, News, Press Releases|Comments Off on Kathy Condon, President and CEO of MLS PIN Inducted into CMLS Hall of Fame

Please Join Us in Donating to REALTORS® for Relief from Hurricane Ida in Louisiana

With the hottest real estate market in history, many REALTORS® and clients have lost thousands of potential transactions and billions of dollars in value. REALTORS® are in desperate need of our help to get their families to safety and then to begin the expensive and arduous task of re-building their homes and their businesses.

By |2021-08-31T12:30:29-07:00August 31st, 2021|Announcements, News|Comments Off on Please Join Us in Donating to REALTORS® for Relief from Hurricane Ida in Louisiana

F.C. Tucker Company and Front Porch Real Estate Join Forces

F.C. Tucker, Indiana’s largest independently owned real estate firm, has joined forces with Front Porch Real Estate – a 190-agent independent real estate brokerage with offices in central and southeastern Indiana. This increases F.C. Tucker’s market share by 3.5 percent.

By |2021-08-30T11:01:52-07:00August 30th, 2021|Announcements, Mergers & Acquisitions, News, Press Releases|Comments Off on F.C. Tucker Company and Front Porch Real Estate Join Forces

Ohio’s MLS Now Leads all MLSs in Dumping Coming Soon Status

With the passing of the Clear Cooperation Policy, many MLSs around the nation created a new status called ‘Coming Soon’. Included is the press release from MLS Now detailing the unanimous approval of the board to end the policy.

By |2021-06-23T09:00:31-07:00June 22nd, 2021|MLS, News, Press Releases|Comments Off on Ohio’s MLS Now Leads all MLSs in Dumping Coming Soon Status

MLSs Align to Purchase Tech Company Together

Five MLSs with a combined subscriber count of over 100,000 announced that they have pooled their resources and purchased a real estate technology company called Agent Inbox. As a result of the acquisition, these five MLSs will now have a solution that fits their mutual needs for a messaging-and-showing solution to serve their subscribers. Moreover, these five will be able to make their showing and messaging solutions available to other MLSs as a vendor.

By |2021-05-25T12:44:21-07:00May 25th, 2021|MLS, News, Technology|Comments Off on MLSs Align to Purchase Tech Company Together

Victor Lund Interviews Lone Wolf Executives Matt Keenan and Jimmy Kelly

In this video interview, Victor Lund of WAV Group meets with Lone Wolf CEO, Jimmy Kelly and Chief Revenue Officer, Matt Keenan about their recent announcement to acquire Lion Desk and HomeSpotter. The interview digs into many important strategic trends in the real estate industry; including point solutions vs. platforms, and Lone Wolf’s people, process, data philosophy. This strategy influences Lone Wolf acquisitions and is the guiding principles of the Lone Wolf marketplace and workflow integrations.

By |2021-05-17T10:09:36-07:00May 17th, 2021|Acquisitions, Announcements, News|Comments Off on Victor Lund Interviews Lone Wolf Executives Matt Keenan and Jimmy Kelly

eXp Gets Creative With Quarterly Results Announcement

On Tuesday of next week, eXp will be releasing their earnings. By all accounts they are expected to join their peer group and beat analyst estimates. If you look at the trends, you would say that eXp is likely to stay flat when they issue their quarterly results. Apparently, the larger looming financial influence of COVID on the market is dampening the market performance of companies who have clearly benefited from COVID. Real Estate is at an all-time record high.

By |2021-05-13T17:07:51-07:00May 13th, 2021|Announcements, News|1 Comment