Technology Adoption Strongest with Top Producers

MLSs face many decisions about what technology services to offer to their members.  Budgets are tight and decisions need to be better justified than ever before. MLS technology committees and leadership need to sift through hundreds of products and multiple presentations before deciding what types of products make the most sense for their members. It is a difficult and expensive task to provide meaningful, relevant and contemporary product offerings to help agents and brokers better serve the needs of their clients.  The first annual WAV Group MLS Technology Adoption study was designed help MLSs better understand the types of technologies being [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:24:50-07:00October 10th, 2012|Main category, Reports, Technology Evaluation|Comments Off on Technology Adoption Strongest with Top Producers

WAV Group Publishes Study Showing that Local Real Estate Brokerage Websites Offer the Most Complete, Accurate and Timely Information About Homes for Sale

October 3, 2012—The WAV Group today published the results of an independent study of 11 major markets that found local real estate brokerage websites give consumers the most complete, accurate and timely information about homes for sale. The study evaluated sites from three local brokerages with real estate agents who help consumers buy and sell homes, comparing listing search results to those found on two national portals, Trulia and Zillow, which operate almost exclusively online. In the markets analyzed, the study concluded: Local real estate brokerage sites display 100% of the agent-listed homes for sale compared to about 80% for [...]

MLS Mobile 2012 – White Paper – What You Need To Know

Mobile access to real estate information by both professional real estate agents and consumers is critical, but with few exceptions the real estate technology industry serving our professionals has been slow to react to these  mobile needs.  We still have MLS products that require you to use Microsoft Internet Explorer to access them and there are still MLSs that don’t have great solutions for using an iPad on the MLS. - Download White Paper Here This white paper looks at where we are today with mobile technology in our MLS industry and hopefully sheds some light on where things are [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:24:51-07:00September 21st, 2012|Main category, Reports|2 Comments

RPR Broker Case Study – Helping Brokers Understand and Use Realtors Property Resource®

WAV Group provides consulting services brokers across the country to help them find the most effective ways to leverage the technology tools they have chosen for their agents. Some of those tools are provided by MLSs as part of their monthly subscription fees. In working with brokers we have learned how stressed the life of a broker is. Their agents, clients, accountants and office staff pull them in a million directions.  Their daily tasks make it virtually impossible to keep up on all of the latest technologies being offered to them. Today, WAV Group is introducing the third in a [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:02-07:00May 10th, 2012|Broker Technology Research, Broker-Agent Information, Main category, Product Management, Reports, Suveys and Research|Comments Off on RPR Broker Case Study – Helping Brokers Understand and Use Realtors Property Resource®


  Note: If you do not have a RE Technology account, please contact April at, and I will be happy to create a complimentary account for you.  More than 70 MLSs and Associations offer RE Technology as a free member benefit - contact for a program overview.     RE Technology wants to support our MLS partners by highlighting articles that peeked the most amount of agent and broker readership.  The goal of this effort is to provide content for MLSs to re-purpose to their members. Feel free to use these articles in any of your communication programs [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:04-07:00May 4th, 2012|Broker Technology Research, Broker-Agent Information, Clients, Main category, Our Company, Our Services, Reports, Technology Evaluation|Comments Off on TOP 5 AGENT & BROKER ARTICLES OF THE WEEK!

Are People Really Resistant to Change?

I had the pleasure of speaking at the Broker Summit put on by the Michigan Association of REALTORSâ this week in Detroit, Michigan.  The topic I was asked to speak on was the “Future of Real Estate”, just a small topic right?  But this was really a fun topic because it gave me an opportunity to talk about some significant changes I have witnessed over the years impacting our industry, like the change in the broker/agent relationship, changes in technology and the changing role of the consumer and what these changes mean for our future.  In this post I don’t [...]

Where have all of the leads from MLS Consumer Websites gone?

Every time we conduct a survey with agents they tell us how little they know about the number of leads or listing exposure they are receiving from their MLS Consumer Websites. Some agents know the sites exist-some don’t even know that much.  It is pretty much universal that agents are not getting regular reports telling them how valuable their MLS consumer website is to their business.  When asked how interested they would be in getting a lead generation report from their MLS, there is pretty much unanimous interest in receiving this valuable information. In the most recent Member Customer Satisfaction [...]

A Discussion on Virtual Brokerage

We have the opportunity to work with many different software companies providing great products to the real estate industry.  Some of these companies are geared to serve both the traditional real estate model as well as a virtual brokerage.  It is clear to us, as well as these software providers, that the future of real estate companies will be different.  It will be leaner, lighter and in many cased “virtual” with a heavy emphasis on the broker providing great, integrated software products to agents that often work remotely.   I wrote at length about this shift in the white paper, “The [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:14-07:00February 23rd, 2012|Broker Technology Research, Broker-Agent Information, Main category, Marketing, Reports, Technology Evaluation, Virtual Office Website Series|Comments Off on A Discussion on Virtual Brokerage

New Study Measures Consumer Interest in MLS, Reinforces Efforts to Obtain .MLS Top-level Domain

The WAV Group has published results of research that demonstrates the high value consumers place on the term “MLS”. The research, commissioned by the MLS Domains Association, includes surveys of consumers using MLS public websites and of a representative sample of consumers who have purchased or sold real estate in the last twelve months. It supports three key conclusions: For consumers, an MLS represents property search, home valuations and “the good stuff”, as one respondent described it—the term “MLS” equates to high quality, educational, objective information about property; A majority of consumers prefer MLS sites as sources of real estate [...]

New White Paper: What Does The Future Look Like For MLSs?

In this white paper, we explore what the future may look like for MLSs and steps they can take to make sure they position themselves ideally for their market.  It’s not a one-size fits all answer. To download the complete report, click here! MLSs have come a long way over the years and we have seen what were once small, localized operations formed by associations and brokers morph into more and more large regional organizations.  We have seen technology expand at exponential rates with the Internet and with that technology we have seen changes in the real estate market at [...]

3 Bedrooms and 2 baths just doesn’t cut it anymore

Build your business by giving consumers what they REALLY want to search for! Have you ever had the pleasure of relocating from one city to another? You have the stress of the move compounded by the fact that you are losing all of your trusted resources and most importantly your “local knowledge”. Let’s say you’re moving because you’ve been promoted to run a new division out of state. You have a young child so you’re looking for good schools within your area and a family-friendly neighborhood. How about if you are a young professional moving for a great job opportunity? [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:21-07:00December 7th, 2011|Main category, MLS Insights, Reports, Suveys and Research|Comments Off on 3 Bedrooms and 2 baths just doesn’t cut it anymore

MLS Staff and MLS Users See MLS Technology Differently

  WAV Group recently completed our 2011 MLS Technology Survey where we received feedback from nearly 11,000 respondents, from 66 MLSs around the US and Canada.  Most importantly, the feedback was from both MLS staff which is always important,  and the actual users.  In fact, we only included results for MLS systems that had both staff and user ratings.  The results were very interesting! We will be publishing an Executive Summary of the results next week for download but one of the more interesting things we noted was that MLS staff and MLS users see their technology quite differently and [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:25:22-07:00November 23rd, 2011|Clients, MLS Insights, Our Services, Reports, Suveys and Research, Technology Evaluation|Comments Off on MLS Staff and MLS Users See MLS Technology Differently