Create Raving Fans! 5 Gotta Haves for your 2023 MLS Budget

WAV Group conducts more subscriber satisfaction research for MLSs than anyone else in the country, including our industry first Customer Experience Index.  We have a depth of understanding of the key drivers of satisfaction and perceived relevance for MLS organizations. Here’s the 5 key opportunities for improving your MLS’ satisfaction and relevance as you move into 2023: Go TO Your Members Create a Field Support/Training Team There is NOTHING that drives up customer engagement and satisfaction for MLSs more than a team of customer servants that go out into the field, attending office meetings, broker events and community events.  These [...]

By |2023-05-08T07:18:52-07:00May 8th, 2023|How to Make Strategic Planning Really Work in your MLS, MLS Insights, Strategic Planning, WAVes of Change|Comments Off on Create Raving Fans! 5 Gotta Haves for your 2023 MLS Budget

Don’t Miss Out on our Summer Special!

With planning for 2018 on the horizon, now is a great time to reflect on the best ways to help prepare your organization for the evolutions and revolutions that may happen next year. Are you Making Informed Decisions? Many things can happen when an Association or MLS is detached and not paying attention to the transient nature of the real estate industry and market. They can delay or even completely avoid decisions because they simply seem too difficult or controversial, causing the organization to fall behind or lose its competitive advantage. Even worse, Boards of Directors who do not stay [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:22:40-07:00September 5th, 2017|WAVes of Change|Comments Off on Don’t Miss Out on our Summer Special!

Enormous Change is Happening Around Us Everyday

Enormous change is happening around us everyday. I am sure that you would all agree that this change is likely to accelerate in the second half of 2017 and beyond. I believe strongly in our WAVes of Change agenda. We are committed to the support of our clients who are going through transformation journeys to redefine their purpose and strategy. We passionately believe that people and company culture are the foundation of competitive differentiation, and that is the highest responsibility for the leadership of your company. But we also believe in outside perspective, and the learning that comes from understanding [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:22:44-07:00July 24th, 2017|WAVes of Change|Comments Off on Enormous Change is Happening Around Us Everyday

Don’t Miss Out!

We are officially midway through 2017, now is a great time to sit back and reflect on the year so far and to begin preparing your organization for the inevitable evolutions we will experience throughout coming months and into 2018. Do you sometimes feel like your Board of Directors and key staff could benefit from a WAV Group overview of what is happening in the real estate industry today? Could your organization benefit from an information resource like WAV Group to characterize the rapid change in our industry?     Would you like an informed review of how similar MLS [...]

By |2018-11-08T04:03:09-08:00June 21st, 2017|WAVes of Change|Comments Off on Don’t Miss Out!

Top 5 Ways to Transform Your Office Managers Into Sales Success Coaches

None of the brokers we’ve worked with believe that their office managers are doing what they are supposed to be doing — sales training. Instead, they act more like den mothers. When they could be working on sales coaching or recruiting, office managers are consoling agents who lost big deals, troubleshooting broken printers, or retrieving lost MLS passwords. It’s too easy for office managers to spend the day putting out a series of small fires. Its easy to use all of those daily tasks as excuses for not focusing on the most important roles that managers are responsible for. The [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:22:49-07:00May 25th, 2017|Broker-Agent Information, Product Management, Strategic Planning, WAVes of Change|Comments Off on Top 5 Ways to Transform Your Office Managers Into Sales Success Coaches

The Industry Has Risen

I had a feeling during the recession that the pillars that held our industry in trust had cracked. The first of two pillars of trust is the National Association of REALTORS® as fully constituted by its local, state, national, and international chapters. The second pillar of trust is the Multiple Listing Service. History has taught us that when you apply pressure to any society or organization it is likely to fracture. No doubt, these industry pillars came under massive scrutiny from their constituents. The real estate brokers who founded these noble entities became conscientious objectors to the organizations and their [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:22:50-07:00May 10th, 2017|Main category, MLS Insights, WAVes of Change|Comments Off on The Industry Has Risen

Are You Stuck in the Office Whilst Everyone Else is at NAR?

We have been in SO many board rooms where we see a lack of awareness of the key strategic issues facing our industry today. Many Associations and MLSs are making decisions, or worse yet, not making decisions that may put their organizations in a weakened position over time. We also see that many smaller associations cannot afford to send multiple people to conferences where many of the industry’s important issues are discussed. Stuck in the Office? Are you and members of your Board of Managers stuck in the office rather than being out at NAR Mid Year this week? We [...]

By |2018-11-08T04:00:37-08:00May 10th, 2017|MLS Insights, WAVes of Change|Comments Off on Are You Stuck in the Office Whilst Everyone Else is at NAR?

Bigger Conferences Are Not Better

The real estate industry is going strong. It is healthy and vibrant, full of bloom and experiencing exciting change. As agents, brokers, MLSs, franchises and tech firms explore a deeper understanding of the industry’s best practices, they look to conferences to gain insights and meet the people that are powering new ideas. Conferences are good, and we attend a lot of them. Our annual conference tour includes two NAR conventions, two Inman Connects, CMLS, two RESO conferences,T3, RIS Media, and a variety of franchise, state AOR, Leading RE, The Realty Alliance, 1000Watt, Clareity, and large AOR or MLS events. Yup [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:22:52-07:00April 20th, 2017|Broker Technology Research, Broker-Agent Information, MLS Insights, WAVes of Change|Comments Off on Bigger Conferences Are Not Better

Don’t Miss Out on the Latest Trends in Real Estate

With conferences and meetings in full swing, many associations and MLSs are sending staff and board members, however it is impractical to have everybody attend, every conference. The answer is simple, join us for the WAVes of Change. Don’t miss out on this rapidly growing webinar series in 2017! Did you miss AEI? Where you and members of your Board of Managers stuck in the office rather than being out at AEI in Denver a couple of weeks ago … ? …Not a problem! We attend the events and conferences so you don’t have to! The WAVes of Change webinars will educate everyone on [...]

By |2018-11-08T04:02:08-08:00March 28th, 2017|Broker-Agent Information, MLS Insights, WAVes of Change|Comments Off on Don’t Miss Out on the Latest Trends in Real Estate

Join the WAVes of Change Today

When conducting strategic plans we hear from brokers and board members that their organization strives to stay current with industry best practices. There are many industry wide initiatives today, spanning areas like MLS Consolidation, New NAR Policy, Broker Public Portal, Upstream, Real Estate Standards Organization, Data Licensing, and more. It’s hard to keep track. WAVes of Change WAV Group has launched a Quarterly Webinar Series to update you and your leadership on all of these trends. The webinar spans one hour, and is delivered by WAV Group partners who are often involved, or close to these industry developments. You get [...]

By |2018-11-08T04:03:20-08:00February 15th, 2017|WAVes of Change|Comments Off on Join the WAVes of Change Today

Keep Up to Speed With The Ever Changing Trends of Real Estate This Year

With 2017 in full swing there is no better time to get prepared for the year ahead. WAVes of Change will provide you with most effective ways to help prep your association for the inevitable evolutions and revolutions the real estate industry may experience this year. We Attend the Events so You Don’t Have To We know how costly travel, hotel and expenses can be, especially for multiple people from your association to attend various major conferences throughout the year. Our educational webinars are centered around major conferences and will bring you updates straight from these sessions. Four times a [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:22:56-07:00January 26th, 2017|MLS Insights, WAVes of Change|Comments Off on Keep Up to Speed With The Ever Changing Trends of Real Estate This Year

Keep Your Board Members Up To Speed for as Little as $12 Each

As we end 2016, now is a great time to sit back and reflect on the best ways to help prepare your association for the inevitable evolutions and revolutions the real estate industry may experience next year. Do you sometimes feel like your Board of Directors and key staff are out of touch with what’s really happening in the real estate industry today? Do you sometimes feel a bit isolated and would like to know if other organizations are facing the same challenges you are? MLSs, Associations and Boards that do not stay close to trends can enforce outdated rules [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:22:59-07:00December 20th, 2016|WAVes of Change|Comments Off on Keep Your Board Members Up To Speed for as Little as $12 Each