Many MLSs and Associations are looking for ways to increase their relevance for their members. When we conduct member satisfaction surveys across the United States with many of the largest MLSs we have observed one consistent point. Electronic faxing is always one of if not the highest rated service according to thousands of agents around the country. They like the service for a few reasons:
1. Saves them money – many brokers have been purchasing electronic faxing from companies like efax and spending their own hard earned dollars on it
2. Saves time – there is nothing more frustrating than trying to read a fax that has been sent just one too many times or that has gotten caught in the rollers – it’s a process that is really antiquated and frustrating. Elminating that hassle is really appreciated by agents
3. Easy to add forms to transaction files – for MLSs using electronic faxing from companies like Instanet and recently First American, the electronic fax can be sent directly to a transaction file making it much easier to create a paperless transaction file.
All of these factors has led to increased interest and usage in electronic faxing. We have seen adoption rates as high as 65 – 70%, an unprecedented level of usage indicating how much REALTORS really like this service.
This trend is also clearly demonstrated in our recently published WAV Group 2009 Transaction Management Study. The survey completed by over 1700 agents in North America shows a dramatic increase in usage of all online transaction processing tools including electronic faxing.