Stan Martin Promoted to MLS Director in Austin

We’re very excited to see the news that Stan Martin has been promoted to MLS Director for the Austin Board of REALTORS®! We have had the pleasure and honor of working with Stan on several projects. He has an impressive depth of understanding of where MLSs need to go and the best ways to serve ABOR members’ technology needs. He is extremely customer-centric and always looking for ways to better serve the needs of brokers of all sizes.  He is focused on continuing to improve ABOR’s MLS services for ALL members – he has worked diligently to improve the organization’s [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:22:36-07:00October 24th, 2017|Main category, MLS Insights|Comments Off on Stan Martin Promoted to MLS Director in Austin

Austin Board of REALTORS® announces Tim Dain as new MLS Director

AUSTIN, Texas – Aug. 3, 2015 – Today, the Austin Board of REALTORS® (ABoR) announced the appointment of Tim Dain as Multiple Listing Service Director.   A seasoned MLS executive, Dain brings a unique combination of experience to ABoR, including leading a regional MLS, where he oversaw significant growth for the MLS; working as a REALTOR®, both as an agent and a broker; working in information technology outside the REALTOR® organization; and serving four years in the U.S. military. ABoR CEO Paul Hilgers commented on the announcement, “Tim’s extensive experience in evolving MLS organizations and his industry acumen will be [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:23:37-07:00August 3rd, 2015|MLS Insights, Press Releases|Comments Off on Austin Board of REALTORS® announces Tim Dain as new MLS Director

Austin Board of REALTORS® Seeks New MLS Director

The Austin Board of REALTORS® is seeking an MLS Director to lead its 11,000 member Multiple Listing Service, ACTRIS. The company is looking for a progressive Leader and Manager adept at creating positive change for MLS systems and services to help increase the value and relevance of their MLS operation. The ideal candidate is someone who thinks creatively about ways to make the MLS more relevant and profitable. The Director of MLS will have a proven ability to drive an organization to be more customer-centric while finding creative and affordable ways to take the MLS to the next level; positioning [...]

By |2018-05-03T21:23:40-07:00June 23rd, 2015|Main category, Our Services|Comments Off on Austin Board of REALTORS® Seeks New MLS Director