The Jury Has Ruled on Commission, So What are the Next Steps

For now, agents need to pay attention to the information from their MLS and their Association of REALTORS, and talk to their Broker.

By |2024-02-06T06:00:26-08:00November 7th, 2023|Associations, Broker-Agent Information, Legal in Real Estate, MLS|Comments Off on The Jury Has Ruled on Commission, So What are the Next Steps

Remembering LA Times reporter Dave Myers

The caller ID on my cell displayed the name of a friend of 30+ years who calls randomly, and I always answer. This time, the news was unfortunately sad. A friend and business colleague we had known for decades had passed away. Dave Myers, former real estate reporter for the Los Angeles Times, died at 62 years young. Another dear reporter friend, Ralph Bivins, editor of Realty News Report, noted that Dave shared in Pulitzer Prize wins for team coverage of the 1992 riots and the 1994 Northridge earthquake. Dave Myers with NAREE friends on a trip to Napa [...]

By |2023-10-13T11:39:24-07:00September 25th, 2023|Industry Observations, News|6 Comments

AI tied to CRMs is the first big wave

Do you hear that buzz? AI this, AI that? There is a lot of activity swirling around artificial intelligence, but also a lot of questionable noise and hyperbole mixed in with a few scare tactics. Some real estate agents may be wondering if this is just another Web3-NFT-cryptocurrency craze thing that will disappear if they ignore it. The answer from nearly every leading Tech CEO is a resounding – no! But agents are correct. AI is not going to replace them. However, real estate agents who don’t use AI are more likely to be replaced by agents who do. And [...]

By |2023-09-13T09:06:27-07:00September 13th, 2023|Artificial Intelligence, Marketing, PropTech, Real Estate Technology, Technology|Comments Off on AI tied to CRMs is the first big wave

Real AI: iOi, Fearing Singularity and Five AI Facts

Real AI is a 100% human-created weekly roundup of all things AI in real estate and emerging AI innovations in other sectors likely to impact real estate, posting a new edition every Friday.

By |2024-05-15T14:57:50-07:00September 1st, 2023|Artificial Intelligence, CRM, PropTech, Real Estate Technology, Technology|Comments Off on Real AI: iOi, Fearing Singularity and Five AI Facts

New 2022 Realtor Tech Survey Reveals Advances, Shortcomings

Today the National Association of Realtors released its annual Technology survey of members, one of my favorite yearly research studies. With over 2,400 responses, it provides excellent insight into how tech innovations are impacting the real estate business now and in the future. Not many surprises, but this new research confirms the acceleration of tech adoption as one positive factor fueled by the pandemic. Here are some quick highlights: -eSigning rules: Looking back at the last 12 months, respondents ranked eSignatures as the most impactful tech tool (79%), with lockboxes (67%) and local MLS apps/technology (67%) tied for second place. [...]

By |2022-10-31T11:11:11-07:00November 1st, 2022|Announcements, Broker-Agent Information, NAR, News, Real Estate Technology, Research, Technology|Comments Off on New 2022 Realtor Tech Survey Reveals Advances, Shortcomings

And the winner is … Revive tops 12 hot startups in the “Pitch Battle” at NAR iOi Summit

The two-day National Association of Realtors fourth annual iOi Summit in Los Angeles hit its crescendo just minutes before it adjourned with the biggest announcement of the conference. Revive Real Estate, the fast-growing startup that’s blazing the presale renovation trail, was named the 2022 winner of the highly coveted “Pitch Battle.” It was a moment that embodied the conference acronym: innovation, opportunity and investment as Revive snagged the winner-take-all $15,000 prize and benefits that will help pole-vault it massive industry awareness. Revive’s four-minute pitch was handled deftly by its CEO and Co-Founder Michael Allawadi. Then Michael faced four more minutes [...]

By |2022-09-30T10:31:03-07:00September 30th, 2022|Conferences, Industry Observations, NAR, Press Releases, Real Estate Technology, Technology|Comments Off on And the winner is … Revive tops 12 hot startups in the “Pitch Battle” at NAR iOi Summit

National Association of Realtors Announces Partnership with Rental Beast

This is great news for realtors and great news for Rental Beast. With the support of NAR, Rental Beast is likely to continue their expansion in serving more realtors and their clients.

By |2022-07-15T13:53:26-07:00July 15th, 2022|Announcements, MLS Insights, Press Releases, Rentals|Comments Off on National Association of Realtors Announces Partnership with Rental Beast

Broker Resource Network Releases Zero Days On Market Report

This summer, the Broker Resource Network (BRN) asked us if we would be interested in writing a report about an alarming trend related to days on market. They are inviting an industry to have a conversation about this issue. As an industry, it is important for agents to gain access to information and training about the value of the MLS.

Future of Forms as a Member Benefit Spooks Associations and MLSs

The California Association of REALTORS® deserves recognition for solving one of the most significant pain points in real estate – digital forms management. When the real estate industry began the slow conversion from paper transactions to digital transactions, California led the way with the creation of a for-profit company that became zipLogix. Along the way, the National Association of REALTORS® joined CAR as an investor.

By |2021-05-27T11:19:22-07:00May 26th, 2021|Associations, MLS|Comments Off on Future of Forms as a Member Benefit Spooks Associations and MLSs

FMLS Crosses State Lines to Offer Services in Alabama

FMLS in Atlanta today joined the ranks of multi-region MLSs by announcing it will be providing services to two Alabama MLSs. In fact, more than 50% of REALTORS® are served today by just 20 MLSs.

By |2021-04-26T09:25:18-07:00April 26th, 2021|MLS, MLS Insights, NAR|Comments Off on FMLS Crosses State Lines to Offer Services in Alabama

Grants Available from NAR to Support MLS Consolidation and Data-Sharing

A few weeks ago, posts on social media popped up about the National Association of Realtors® MLS Consolidation Grant Program. The formation of this grant program came about through NAR’s President’s Advisory Group (PAG) and offered three types of grants for MLS’s to pursue.

By |2020-08-05T20:49:53-07:00August 6th, 2020|MLS|Comments Off on Grants Available from NAR to Support MLS Consolidation and Data-Sharing